Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 5th September 2010
John Deegan
The many friends in Region 4 & Limerick Radio Club, of Terry Deegan EI4BK will be sad to hear of the passing of his father John Deegan. The burial took place last Monday 30th August, and there was a big representation of operators from the Region. May he rest in peace.
IRTS Morse testing at North Cork Radio Group Rally
Morse testing can be made available if required, at the upcoming North Cork Radio Group Rally on 19th September. Anyone wishing to sit a morse test should contact Ger McNamara EI4GXB on 087 2532512 or ei4gxb /at/
Closing Date for Theory Examination
It is now less two three weeks to the 17th of September which is the closing date for applications to sit the next theory examination for an Amateur Station Licence. The next exam will be held on Wednesday the 6th of October at 2 p.m. in the ComReg Offices in Dublin.
For further information on the application procedure, exam fees and other details see 'Theory Examination' in the 'Information' section of the IRTS website at
Two Metres Counties Contest
The two metres counties contest, held last Sunday, was well supported as usual, with stations from most counties, north and south, on the air. For a change, we had some good weather for the contest, which encouraged a number of stations to operate portable. Among the portable operators heard on the day were Shannon Basin Radio Club operating from Longford, and Mayo Radio Experimenters Network from a site in Mayo.
Other portable stations logged included Declan EI2GFB, Sean EI4IP, David EI7GEB and Joe EI7GY - Joe was on the Slieve Blooms in County Laois, his favourite portable QTH. David MI0VKO operated portable from County Fermanagh, a very welcome multiplier from a rare county! Band conditions were relatively poor, with QSB requiring plenty of patience from the contesters.
Please send logs to the Thos EI2JD, IRTS Contest Manager at email address contestmanager /at/
Change of 40M WAI Frequency
It was decided at the recent IRTS Committee Meeting to Change the WAI Frequency from 7.068 to 7.170
Theory Classes in Clane
There will be an Introduction to Amateur Radio & Electronics course being ran from Scoil Mhuire Clane, held over 10 sessions on Monday evenings from 8-10pm for bookings please phone Scoil Mhuire on 045868255.
Shannonbasin Radio Club
Shannonbasin radio club will again be hosting the annual SSB field this weekend In Garbally collage Ballinasloe.
This is an ideal venue for this contest and all clubs are welcome. Shannonbasin radio club will also host there now famous BBQ and all are welcome.
North Cork Radio Group is pleased to announce their first annual rally and electronics fair at the Blarney Golf Resort, Tower, Co Cork. on Sunday September the 19th 2010
Tables and stalls are now fully booked out. NCRG would like to thank all those parties who have shown great interest in placing early bookings and promoting the event. Anyone still wishing to sell items and who haven't successfully booked a stand can still make use of the bring and buy stall, arrangements for this can be made on the day. Once again a very big thank you to all.
More information is available via the Groups website,
7th November Foyle and District ARC Rally is being held at the White Horse Hotel, 68 Clooney Road, Derry for anyone with GPS / SATNAV the post code is BT47 3PA
Doors will open at 12 noon, for more information Information:See
21st November Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Annual Rally is being held at the Welcome Inn, Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Doors open at 11:00 a.m. for more information on the MRE Rally please contact the Rally Director: Padraic Baynes, EI9JA website
For further details on Rallies please see
History this Week
1887 Edison patents 'Kinetoscope' device produces moving pictures.
1896 Marconi demonstrates wireless to British PO, Army and Navy 2.5km.
1920 First radio news program, station 8MK, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.