Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 29th August 2010
Echo Ireland
The August issue of Echo Ireland, which will be posted to members early next week, includes a report by the members of the IRTS Examinations Board on the most recent Amateur Radio Licence Examination, held in July. This report should be of interest to everyone who sat the examination and to those studying for future exams. Radio amateurs involved in tutoring students will also find this report useful.
The new Echo Ireland also includes an article on the Worked All Ireland awards scheme; the society is planning to re-kindle interest in this scheme. Other articles in the August Echo Ireland cover issues ranging from the construction of valve receivers in the 1960s to the latest news on amateur radio satellites. The usual update on DXing includes news of a number of upcoming DXpeditions. All in all, plenty of reading for everyone interested in amateur radio!
IRTS Morse testing at North Cork Radio Group Rally.
Morse testing can be made available if required, at the upcoming North Cork Radio Group Rally on 19th September. Anyone wishing to sit a morse test should contact Ger McNamara EI4GXB on 087 2532512 or ei4gxb /at/
Closing Date for Theory Examination
It is now less than three weeks to the 17th of September which is the closing date for applications to sit the next theory examination for an Amateur Station Licence. The next exam will be held on Wednesday the 6th of October at 2 p.m. in the ComReg Offices in Dublin.
For further information on the application procedure, exam fees and other details see 'Theory Examination' in the 'Information' section of the IRTS website at
Dublin 2m News Interruption
During the latter half of August there may be a temporary interruption of the 11:45 two-metre news broadcast from Dublin on Sundays. This is unavoidably due to overlapping holiday commitments of the four regular newsreaders Tony(EI5EM), John (EI7JG), Frank (EI6EF) and Liam (EI3HK).
Every effort will be made to maintain the service. However, if by chance there is no transmission on a particular Sunday, please accept our apologies in advance and rest assured that the regular two-metre service will resume as soon as possible.
Change of 40M WAI Frequency
It was deceided at the recent IRTS Committee Meeting to Change the WAI Frequencey from 7.068 to 7.170
Upcomming 2m Contest & IRTS Field Day
The 2m Counties contest will be held Today Sun 29 August 2010 and The SSB Field Day will be held over the weekend of Sat / Sun 4/5 September 2010 more details on the IRTS Website.
Theory Classes in Clane
There will be classes running on Monday nights over 10 weeks in Scoil Mhuire, Clane for bookings please phone 045 868255
MAR Visit
Members of the Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club paid a visit by coach to the vintage radio museum in the Martello tower in Howth on Sunday 22 August. The trip was organised by Davy Gregg 2I0IRZ the club treasurer. The large group was welcomed by Pat Herbert the curator along with local amateurs Andy (EI4ERB), Bill (EI8BC), Joe (EI4FV) and Joe Guilfoyle. The craic was mighty and a good day was had by all.
The visitors QSYed for a meal and refreshments before returning northwards after a very enjoyable day in Howth. The Mid-Ulster Club meets on the second Sunday of each month at the Browlow Resource Centre in Craigavon but is currently closed for summer recess until Sept. 12 /at/ 3pm when the club AGM will be held.
The club's website is Any other clubs or groups would be most welcome to visit the vintage radio museum in Howth. The museum web site is and the email address is info /at/
Shannonbasin Radio Club
Shannonbasin radio club Will again be hosting the annual SSB field day on the 4/5 September In Garbally collage Ballinasloe.
This is an ideal venue for this contest and all clubs are welcome.
Shannonbasin radio club will also host there now famous BBQ and all are welcome.
The Club’s recent trip with the Galway radio club to Inisbofin for this years IOTA Contest is now on YOUTUBE under the heading "IOTA CONTEST 2010"
Internet Discussion Forum
There is a new discussion group is located at
Here you can discuss all matters from Radio and TV to Internet topics to Amateur radio itself. It is hoped that there will be sufficient activity on getting more sub groups in the Amateur Radio Section,
Appeal from Pakistan Amateur Radio Society
The Pakistan Amateur Radio Society is asking the International and National Ham Community to provide equipment if possible. AREN’s goal is the donation / purchase of 5 HTs and 5 magmount antennas. Already 3 HTs have been donated and need cash to buy dual band antennas and spare batteries. All donations should me made by next Tuesday. The equipment could be new or used but should in a workable condition. In order to facilitate collection and shipping of donated equipment from EI to our counterparts in Pakistan. Please contact Conor at email ei4jn /at/ Conor’s mobile 087 7993085 for further information or pledges of donations.
It is requested that amateurs & SWL's please keep a listening watch around 28.265 FM as there have been incursions by churches on this frequency heard throughout Europe at up to 59 +20db. Please send details of names etc used so we can identify locations and report them to ComReg for investigation.
All information can be sent to Ger McNamara EI4GXB who is the IRTS IARUMS co-ordinator at ei4gxb /at/ gmail or 087 2532512
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
Last weekend, members of Limerick Radio Club activated Tarbert Island Lighthouse as part of International Lighthouse weekend. Over 900 QSO's were made, and the recently acquired Cushcraft A4S HF beam certainly proved itself.
Members who took part were Tony EI2AW, Dermot EI2GT, David EI2GBB, Mike EI2IX, Gerry EI3JU, Ger EI4GXB, John EI6IW, Simon EI7ALB, Alan EI8EM, Kris EI9GAB, Dave EI9GBB and Brendan EI9GHB. A great weekend was enjoyed by all and the new licensees got a chance to go on the air and work some DX.
The lighthouse non contest weekend saw over 440 registrations in 40 countries setting the scene for a great weekend.
Charlie EI8JB, John EI6GHB and David EI7GEB were operating /P from St Johns Point Lighthouse. Lighthouse number is IE0005 and TIM EI5GVB was operating /p from Boradhaven IE0006
There are some reviews and photos listed in the Feedback 2010 area of the organizers website at
LRC Special Event Station
LRC members are this weekend putting on a special event station at Atlantic Airventure in Shannon. Co. Clare to celebrate 100 years of Irish Aviation. Activity will take place on all bands on SSB and CW and the club call EI4LRC will be used.
North Cork Radio Group is pleased to announce their first annual rally and electronics fair at the Blarney Golf Resort, Tower, Co Cork. on Sunday September the 19th 2010
More information is available via the Groups website, traders are very welcome but it essential that they contact the events organiser Liam EI7GTB, Tel: 085-7039042 Email: ei7gtb /at/ as soon as possible.
For further details on Rallies please see
History this Week
1887 Edison patents 'Kinetoscope' device produces moving pictures.
1891 Thomas Edison applied for a movie camera patent.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.