Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 8th August 2010
It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the death of Colm Ardiff EI3H. Colm’s health had been gradually deteriorating over the past while and he died peacefully on Sunday last after a short illness.
Colm was born in Howth, County Dublin and in his younger days served as a marine radio officer. Once a month he and some former ‘old salt’ colleagues met in Wynne’s Hotel in Abbey Street to chat and reminisce on their days at sea.
On returning to land based employment Colm worked for a brief period in the Aer Lingus radio workshops before joining the then Department of Transport and Power. He served in various capacities in that Department and its successors, including Dublin Airport and the Departments Headquarters where he was serving on his retirement.
In amateur radio Colm was, as you would expect, an accomplished CW operator. He is probably best known for his transmission of the Sunday 40 metre News since its inception over 30 years ago. This is a job he was ‘talked into’ supposedly for a brief period by the late Tom O’Connor EI9U. Through these bulletins and his standing in for the 80 metre operators from time to time , the ‘3 Hotel ‘call sign and voice became well known to the amateur radio community throughout the country as well as to his regular callers from the UK. Colm always had some friendly words for all those who reported on the news bulletins and his infectious good humour was evident in the exchanges with these stations.
In recognition of his many years of dedicated service to the Society and to Amateur Radio, Colm was recently made an Honorary Member of IRTS. The esteem with which Colm was held both in amateur radio and in his professional life was evidenced by the fact that Tom EI3AL, who had worked with Colm, travelled from Killarney to be present at the funeral Mass.
Colm will be sadly missed by his many friends in the amateur radio community and unfortunately the familiar ‘CQ CQ CQ all radio amateurs and short wave listeners’ at the start of the preamble to the Sunday news will be heard no more from the station of Echo India 3 Hotel.
The funeral took place on Wednesday last to Fingal Cemetery after 11 a.m. Mass in the Church of the Resurrection, Bayview, Sutton. Among the attendance at the funeral were Séamus EI8BP, Vice President IRTS, representing the President Paul EI2CA who is away on holiday at present, Michael EI2CL, Pierce EI4CI, Ian EI7CX, Joe EI7GY, Joe EI4FV, Thos EI2JD, Peter EI4HX, Seán EI2CR, John EI7BV, Tom EI3AL and Seán EI7CD.
To his wife Frances, his sons Barry and Neil and to his extended family and friends we offer our sincerest sympathy. May his gentle soul rest in peace. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis
Silent Key
YV1NX, Fergus Walshe O'Shea, ex EI4BD has become a Silent Key. He was a well known DXer and many EI operators have worked Fergus particularly on CW for YV credit on all bands from 160 to 10 metres.
In the late 1950s he was very active from Qatar as MP4QAL. He was a member of the First Operators Club, FOC and was very active up to his recent sudden death. He will be missed.
Theory Examination
The next theory examination for the Amateur Station Licence will be held on Wednesday, 6th October next at 2 p.m. in the ComReg Offices in Dublin. The closing date for receipt of applications to sit the examination is Friday, 17th September.
For further information on the application procedure, exam fees and other details see 'Theory Examination' in the 'Information' section of the website. The 'Downloads' section of the website includes a very useful document 'Studying for the Amateur Radio Examination'.
The 'Links' section of the website under 'Radio Theory' contains much useful information for anyone studying for the licence examination.'
WAI Squares Activation
Peter EI4GZB & Declan EI9HQ has rescheduled their squares run for Today the 8th August.
Planned squares to be worked are Oscar 33 34 35 36 County Dublin. All squares will be activated /MM from the boat it is planned that the above squares will be activated both times during the day, on the outward and return journeys.
Bands to be used will be 20m 40m & 80m 14.268 7.068 & 3.680/760KHz SSB only + - QRM.
Castle Kirk Activation EI-005 C
On Saturday the 31st of July at 7 am Steve, EI5DD, Gerry, EI8DRB, and Enda, EI3IS, set off to activate Castle Kirk situated on a small Island on Lough Corrib. The weather conditions were dreadful, but after a wait of two hours the showers and winds subsided making it possible to take an open boat to the island across the lake. The boat was loaded in record time with equipment ranging from generator to two complete HF stations.
A tent was erected within the walls of the castle and A doublet for 80 metres and tuneable for 40 metres was erected along with a centre fed half wave vertical for 20 metres. The tent was large enough to accommodate two stations, spare equipment and operators.
The 20 metre band was lively and a pile up developed. 40 & 80 metres were not in great shape even the regular nets were not audible. After 8pm the 80 metre began to open up and a steady flow of stations were operated. At 1 am the station closed down until 7 am Sunday.
The great plans to work EI operators were thwarted by poor conditions on 80 metres around midday. EI0RTS was plagued with deep QSB and many stations calling into the news were having difficulty.
The Group look forward to activation Castle Kirk once again, for more info on the Galway VHF Group and photos of the event etc please check out the website
Can amateurs & SWL's please keep a listening watch around 28.265 FM as there have been incursions by churches on this frequency heard throughout Europe at up to 59 +20db. Please send details of names etc used so we can identify locations and report them to ComReg for investigation.
All information can be sent to Ger McNamara EI4GXB who is the IRTS IARUMS co-ordinator at ei4gxb /at/ gmail or 087 2532512
Nationwide Interview with Ben EI4IN
Ben EI4IN has been interviewed by RTE in association with the Irish Kidney Association and will be appearing in next Wednesday’s Nationwide on RTE1 at 7pm.
Limerick Radio Club News
Gerry Byrnes EI3JU has kindly donated a caravan to the club. It will be used for portable, contest and field day activities. Members have already got to work on fitting it out for operating purposes.
Maurice Dunworth EI3JF has kindly donated secure storage space for us to carry out the work. Members wishing to help out are asked to make contact with Ger McNamara EI4GXB at ei4gxb /at/ or 087 2532512.
The Club would also like to welcome Simon Kenny EI7ALB & Gerry Byrnes EI3JU as 2 newsreaders on Monday nights on the Limerick Repeater. They will join the team including Brian Toner EI9AL and Ger McNamara EI4GXB.
Donation to North Cork Radio Group Members Of the
North Cork Radio Group would like to thank Robbie Phelan EI2IP for his very kind and generous donation to the group.
Robbie very kindly donated an assortment of Antennas and equipment for the aid of assisting newly licensed members and to enable much more efficient field Days. NCRG are an active portable group and appreciate these very kind donations.
Cork Astronomy Club
The North Cork Rally is fast approaching and NCRG are very pleased to announce confirmation of the Cork Astronomy Club in attendance, The Cork Astronomy Club is an independent Group that owns its own 13 ¼ inch Dobsonian reflector telescope, available for all members to use, under supervision.
Each month, from September to May, they try to have at least one observing session, weather permitting. Observing sessions are announced at the club's monthly meetings. Some sessions are held at the club telescope site, some at Blackrock Castle Observatory, and some at various dark-site locations outside the light-polluted skies of the city.
An excellent opportunity for less experienced members to try out equipment before buying. Members wishing to be involved can register at any of the monthly meetings or at the North Cork Radio Group Rally 2010.
Further information is available for the website information regarding the
North Cork Radio Group is pleased to announce their first annual rally and electronics fair at the Blarney Golf Resort, Tower, Co Cork. on Sunday September the 19th 2010
More information is available via the Groups website, traders are very welcome but it essential that they contact the events organiser Liam EI7GTB, Tel: 085-7039042 Email: ei7gtb /at/ as soon as possible.
For further details on Rallies please see
History this Week
1876 Alexander Bell telephones over a distance of 8 miles, then 143 miles.
1903 Berlin wireless telegraph Conference begins.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.