Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 1st August 2010
Examination Results
The results of the Theory Examination for the Amateur Station Licence examination held in Limerick and Dublin on 7th July were issued very quickly. Of the 21 candidates who sat the examination 12 qualified for the HAREC qualification, a pass rate of 57%.
This brings to 220 the total number that have sat the eleven examinations that have been held since IRTS took over responsibility for organising, setting and correcting the theory examination in May 2005. Of these 130 or 60% qualified for the award of the HAREC qualification.
The cooperative arrangement between ComReg and IRTS on the examination has worked extremely well and is one of the factors that have contributed to the excellent working relationship that exists between the Society and ComReg.
Theory Examination
The next theory examination for the Amateur Station Licence will be held on Wednesday, 6th October next at 2 p.m. in the ComReg Offices in Dublin. The closing date for receipt of applications to sit the examination is Friday, 17th September.
For further information on the application procedure, exam fees and other details see 'Theory Examination' in the 'Information' section of the website. The 'Downloads' section of the website includes a very useful document 'Studying for the Amateur Radio Examination'.
The 'Links' section of the website under 'Radio Theory' contains much useful information for anyone studying for the licence examination.'
AREN have Nets on the 7th and 21st of each month on 3.660 +- QRM & 144.525 FM at 19.30pm
IOTA Contest
Last weekend's IOTA contest had plenty of support from EI stations, both from the mainland and from offshore islands. Offshore islands stations heard were EJ3Z (Shannon Basin Radio Club) on Inisboffin, EJ1DD (Dalkey Island Contest Group) on Clare Island, EJ4II on the Saltees and EI/SQ7JT on the Blaskets.
Many EI stations operated from the mainland, including EI/WG5N, EI2JD, EI5DI, EI6JK, EI6KC, EI7GY, EI7JN, EI8JB, EI8JX and EI9HQ.
The higher bands - 10 and 15 metres - were particularly disappointing this year, with 10 metres barely opening during the contest and only brief openings on 15 metres. However the other bands seemed to be in good shape, so good scores can be expected.
EI50UN Special Event
A special event station EI50UN will be on the bands until DEC 31 2010 celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first Irish Battalion to serve overseas with the United Nations (ONUC) in Congo.
QSL's via EI2V Irish Air Corps Amateur Radio Club.
WAI Squares Activation
Peter EI4GZB & Declan EI9HQ has rescheduled their squares run for Sunday the 8th August.
Planned squares to be worked are Oscar 33 34 35 36 County Dublin. All squares will be activated /MM from the boat it is planned that the above squares will be activated both times during the day, on the outward and return journeys.
Bands to be used will be 20m 40m & 80m 14.268 7.068 & 3.680/760KHz SSB only + - QRM.
New Distance Record for an AO-7 HAMSAT QSO
A new radio in space record of was achieved on 22.26 UTC on July 15th, PY5LF in Brazil worked K3SZH in USA, via AMSAT OSCAR 7 and achieved a new DX record for that bird of 7843 km which equates to 4898 miles.
What made this contact all the more amazing is that AMSAT OSCAR 7 was launched some 36 years ago on November 15th, 1974 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Lompoc, California.
A Oh 7 still continues to provide limited service even though its batteries failed years ago and it is only operational when its solar panels are in sunlight.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The news Meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will take place on Thursday next the 5th August in Raheen House Hotel Raheen Road Clonmel at 8.00 pm, All are welcome.
Limerick Radio Club News
Gerry Byrnes EI3JU has kindly donated a caravan to the club. It will be used for portable, contest and field day activities. Members have already got to work on fitting it out for operating purposes. Maurice Dunworth EI3JF has kindly donated secure storage space for us to carry out the work. Members wishing to help out are asked to make contact with Ger McNamara EI4GXB at ei4gxb /at/ or 087 2532512.
North Cork Radio Group is pleased to announce their first annual rally and electronics fair at the Blarney Golf Resort, Tower, Co Cork. on Sunday September the 19th 2010
The doors open to the public at 11.30 and the rally will run until about 5pm. The usual traders will be on hand with some very tasty bargains, South East Communications, Long Communications and JBT Trading.
The Hotel are also offering room rates for the rally a Single Room B&B: €60 and Double Room B&B: €79 Please Contact the hotel directly for room bookings on Tel:+353 21 4384477.
Small traders are very welcome but it essential that they contact the events organiser Liam EI7GTB, Tel: 085-7039042 Email: ei7gtb /at/ as soon as possible.
further details can be found via the group’s website,
For further details on Rallies please see
History this Week
1866 After a dozen years, Cyrus Field successfully completed the trans-Atlantic Cable. 1872 Dr M Loomis granted patent for wireless experiments.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.