Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 28th February 2010
IRTS Committee Meeting
The next Committee meeting is next Saturday 6th of March at the Maldron Hotel Portlaoise. Meeting time is 11am should any affiliated club reps like to attend.
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society shall be hosting the 78th Irish Radio Transmitters Society A.G.M over the weekend of Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th April 2010.
Further details for booking trader’s tables or any other info please e-mail the following Thos EI2JD at email address chairman /at/ or Peter EI4HX at email address secretary /at/
Special Event Ferry Operations Enter Final Weeks
Ei2GBW and GB2EI, special event stations celebrating the return of the Cork to Swansea ferry, enter their final weeks of operation. Both stations will be QRV as many hours as possible from 1 to 4 March for MV Julia's first scheduled ferry operations to Swansea (1-2 March) and her return to Cork (3-4 March).
Operations are planned on 80m (CoA 3.660 to 3.680MHz) and 40m (CoA 7.120 to 7.140MHz) phone. Unfortunately, the intended maritime mobile operations aboard MV Julia had to be cancelled at the last minute. This was due to refusal by the Department of Transportation to issue the ship's passenger certificate if the amateur station was allowed to operate on board.
Regular operations of Ei2GBW will continue until 2 April and GB2EI until 30 April. QSL cards will be sent to all stations worked, and the 'Spirit of Innisfallen Award' certificate is available for working both special event stations. Full details are on the Ei2GBW page at
Ei 2 AJ will be operating portable and QRP from Duquesa (West of Estapona) on the south coast of Spain from 2nd March to the 28th March. Operation will be CW on the QRP frequencies in 40,20 & 15m bands.
Equipment used will be a Yaesu FT 817ND running 2.5 Watts. The antenna will be a multi band mobile vertical clamped to an iron balcony rail and will be looking out for Ei or Gi stations.
AREN Google Group
Just a reminder to members and a notice to anyone else interested in discussion around Emergency Communications topics, that AREN is now hosting a google group at for this purpose.
Limerick Radio Club The Annual General Meeting of
Limerick Radio Club took place on 25 February last in the Limerick Institute of Technology. There was a good attendance of members and the following officers were elected for 2010/11.
Chairman Dermot Gleeson EI2GT Hon Treasurer Tony Condon EI2AW Hon Secretary Ger McNamara EI4GXB Committee: Simon Kenny EI7ALB, Mike Griffin EI4FMB, John Edgeworth EI6IW, Michael Kingston EI2IX
Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association (EI4Cara) who are based in Crossakiel, Kells, Co. Meath had their annual AGM on the 17th of February 2010.
Committee appointments are as follows:-President: Gary EI3GIB, Vice President/Secretary: Alan EI5GFB & Treasurer: Steven EI4GKB
The Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association (EI4Cara) meet every Wednesday at 8.30pm in the Welcome Wagon in Crossakiel. All are welcome to attend.
Richard Hendy from the Dundalk Amateur Radio Society will be coming to CARA to talk about all aspects of the Echolink system from the basics right up to the technical side of setting up of a local Echolink repeater.
CARA would like to extend an invitation to amateurs who have knowledge of specific areas of radio to come down to the club and give a talk on their radio related chosen subject.
Internet access and other facilities are available, so don't be shy, they are a friendly bunch of guys looking to expand knowledge and to promote radio.
Contact details are as follows.
The club frequency is 145.550MHz. For more information please visit the CARA website or on email: ei4cara /at/
QRP Talk at SHARE Rally
Yet more good news follows earlier news that George Dobbs, G3RJV will be at the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Rally.
George, who is the world’s best known QRP author has agreed to give a talk, entitled QRP Why and How in a room near the Rally arena. Meantime, there will be three major QRP displays in the Rally arena.
Brendan Minish EI6IZ, from the Mayo Radio Experimenters Network will display Elecraft kits. Graham Firth, G3MFI will set up the G-QRP Club stall& Dom Baines M1KTA will display home-built kits, receivers, transmitters and accessories.
George’s talk will be for 40 minutes then questions, with a second one hour session if needed. George will also sign copies of his books, whether brought along or bought at the rally (availability TBA).
The Rally is on Sunday 11 April in the SHARE centre near Lisnaskea, with a talk-in on the Fermanagh Repeater, GB3CP. Rally enquiries to the Organiser, Iain Gibb, Phone 048-6632-6693, Email iain.gibb101 <AT>
All 18 from Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club's Foundation course at the SHARE centre passed the Examination last Sunday after a two-weekend course.
By Thursday they were downloading their new licenses from OFCOM. Three women, all from Rosslea, were the first on air, using the Fermanagh Repeater GB3CP.
They were Fidelma Mi6UIM, Shauna Mi6SHF and Noreen Mi6NCC.
Welcome ladies to amateur radio!
These 18 new licensees range in age from 13 to 78 years, and include four women and three SHARE staff.
The Club is most grateful to SHARE, whose staff and facilities were invaluable, particularly the ten computers linked by wireless to a website used for exam question practice.
At the Club’s Rally in SHARE on 11 April, Billy Pollock GI3NVW, himself over 50 years licensed, will present Welcome to Amateur Radio Certificates to these 18 and other new Foundation licensees.
For more information contact Michael Mi5MTC, Chairman Lough Erne ARC
South Dublin Radio Club
The South Dublin Radio Club annual general meeting (AGM) will take place on Tuesday 2nd of March.
Classes are still being run every Tuesday evening and
Visitors are always welcome.
Shannon Basin Radio Club The Shannon Basin Radio Club
id having a meeting on Wednesday night next the 3rd March at 20:30 in Hannons Hotel Roscommon Town.
All members are requested to attend.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The monthly meeting of the Tipperary Amatuer Radio Group will take place on Thursday next the 4th of March in Raheen House Hotel,Raheen Road,Clonmel. at 8.00 pm all are Welcome.
Limerick Radio Club Radio, Electronics & Hobbies Fair
The Radio, Electronics & Hobbies Fair takes place on Sunday 7th March 2010 at the Radisson SAS Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick.
Doors Open at 11:00 AM. Admission is 5 Euro. No charge for children when accompanied by an adult. There will be the usual traders attending the Fair. A Bring & Buy Sale will also take place.
For further Rally info and contact details please check out the IRTS Website at
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.