Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 27th December 2009
MI3FBW Silent Key
The family of Peter Coulter better known as MI3FBW has asked to inform all that Peter became a Silent Key while in the Northern Ireland Hospice on the 19th December 2009.
Yvonne Barnes, wife of Terry, GI3USS, passed away in mid-December after a long illness.
May they rest in peace
Kia Rio for sale
Time is running out for anybody who might be interested in buying the Kia Rio complete with Yaesu 857 and antennas. The last date for receipt of expressions of interest is December 28th.
Anybody who is interested should email the Society's Treasurer on or before December 28th stating that they are interested. Expressing an interest does not commit to buying or bidding for the car but only those who express an interest will be allowed to submit a bid. Full details of the car and its history may be found on page 15 of the December issue of Echo Ireland.
The Treasurer's email address for expressions of Interest or for further information on the car is donelansean /at/
80m Counties Contest
A reminder that the IRTS 80 metres counties contest takes place on Friday next, 1st January, from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC.
Full rules for this contest are available at Note in particular the frequencies for this contest: CW 3.510-3.560 MHz; SSB 3.600-3.650 and 3.700-3.775 MHz
We are pleased to announce that the Shannon Basin Club has kindly donated perpetual trophies for the section winners in this contest.
In addition the committee at its latest meeting agreed to award a perpetual trophy to the leading 'Rookie' operator in this contest. In this case a 'Rookie' operator is someone who has received his first license in the previous 12 months and is operating under his own callsign and from his home station.
Please spread the word to the new comers and encourage them to participate in what for many will be their first contest.
Wicklow Town Club first meeting
The first meeting is scheduled for January 13th at 19.30pm 2010 in The Glebe National School in Wicklow town. Directions if coming into Wicklow from the North ie Rathnew. After Lidl and Heatons take your first turn left then immediately right and go up the hill. At the crest of the hill the school is on the right hand side opposite the Church of Ireland.
Iian’s mobile is 086 8057242 if you need to call. All are welcome to attend.
Rallies Phoenix A.R.C
The Rally will be held as usual at Coolmine Community School near Blanchardstown on Sunday 14th February 2010.Doors open from 9am to 2.30pm.
Usual traders will be present and to encourage a real Amateur Radio orientated Rally bring and buy tables will be free of charge.
For tables contact Tony at 087-2349997 or Tom at 01-8211043 This is the first rally of the New Year and usually a very enjoyable occasion. Refreshments and plenty of car parking are available.
Do you want your first CW QSO?
If you've always wanted to plug-in your morse key and have that first CW QSO,then Ian Keyser, G3ROO has an invitation for you.
Ian operates on 3564KHz (plus or minus QRM) at 1830 clock time and most nights you will find me there calling CQ QRS NET, he calls at 12 WPM but will come back at slower speeds if he receives slower. This could be the perfect first chance for 2010 to either dust off that key or get back into CW.
Two new sunspot groups for Christmas
It looks like we may be getting two new sunspot groups in time for Christmas, joining group 1035 to give three visible at the same time. With the increased sunspot count we should see improved propagation conditions on 21, 24 and 28 MHz more information available on
Mexican Special Event Station
Members of the DXXE (Mexican Contest and DX group) will celebrate their 5th anniversary by using the special callsign 4A1DXXE until December 31st.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. Make sure your Bureau QSL card is clearly marked via N7RO.
AMSAT China XW-1 designated Hope OSCAR 68
The AMSAT OSCAR Number Coordinator has informed AMSAT-China that the XW-1 Satellite as mentioned in last weeks Bulletin is now designated as Hope OSCAR 68, or HO-68.
As XW in Chinese means 'hope', it had been requested that this word be used as the prefix for the new OSCAR number. Therefore, with the above information this latest amateur radio satellite is designated as Hope Oscar 68 or HO-68.
HO-68 is not fully commissioned yet and is still in its test phase with its transponders being switched on for use occasionally. More information is available at
2009 DXCC Yearbook -
final reminder Stations that qualify must make a submission in order to appear in the next yearbook. The submission must be postmarked on or by December 31, 2009.
If you are current on the DXCC Honor Roll (minimum of 329 'current' DXCC entities) you will automatically be listed and you DO NOT need to make a submission. However, if you are not current on the Honor Roll you must make a submission in order to be listed.
Any questions please send them to dxcc /at/
Antarctica tour
Thaire, W2APF, will be traveling on board the ship 'National Geographic Explorer' heading to the Antarctica region between February 8th and March 5th. He is expected to be operating under the following callsigns (specific dates were not provided):
W2APF/C6A/MM – While on board the ship 'National Geographic Explorer' - see:
W2APF/KC4 – While in Antarctic territories
VP8DML – While in the territory of the Falkland Islands (VP8) including South Shetlands Islands (VP8/H), South Orkney’s Islands (VP8/O) and South Georgia Islands. QSL all activity via W2APF.
This week in History
1900 Fessenden is claimed to be first to transmit sound of the human voice without wires.
1906 Fessenden transmits voice and music on Alexanderson alternator.
1947 Transistor invented at Bell Telephone Labs. USA
Happy New Year
IRTS News Team would like to wish all our friends in Radio a happy and Peaceful New Year for 2010.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418
News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.