Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 11th October 2009
Plans are being put in place to run radio theory classes in the Limerick area by IRTS Region 4 representative Ger McNamara EI4GXB, with the hope that the theory examination can be held in Limerick which will be dependant on numbers.
Those interested in attending the theory classes can contact Ger via email at ei4gxb /at/ or 087 2532512 or QTHR
CQ CQ calling news items
As is common through the year we have occasional lulls in news from EI. If your group or club are involved in anything that you would like to share with or listeners or readers please pass on the information to our editor.
4U1UN ACTIVITY Operating Schedule
4U1UN, the United Nations Headquarters station in New York City will make a rare appearance on the air from October 19th to the 25th . This, with an all star line-up of top gun DX'ers and contester's at the controls of the famed station.
Its operating schedule is going to be restricted from 12"00 to 04:00 UTC each day. All-night activity is planned for Friday the 23rd and Saturday the 24th of October. The 24th is United Nations Day.
Logs for 4U1UN will be uploaded to Logbook to the World after the operation is completed. All QSL requests go via HB9BOU.
A multi-national team of 18 operators are currently activating Midway Island, they are expected to continue through October 19th. They are signing K4M and will operate from Sand Island.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has authorized this amateur radio operation from this rare U.S. entity for only a 10 day period. This is the first amateur radio activity from Midway in almost 10 years.
Midway Island ranks number 24 worldwide and number 13 in Europe on the DX Magazine's "Most Wanted List".
QRZ.COM New features
The giant QRZ dot com callsign website has expanded its callsign database. This, with added fields that take into account the emergence of electronic confirmations of on the air contacts as well as those who only use cards sent via the mail.
The newly added fields are Mail QSL that indicates whether this person will QSL by Postal Mail, eQSL says that an Amateur is using, LOTW indicates whether this person uses LOTW. Another new field is IOTA which permits the insertion of an Islands on the Air designator.
Stations with QRZ listings who would like to display the above information are asked to activate those options in their management page.
AMSAT Supports JOTA with AO-51 Satellite
Turning to radio space related news, word from AMSAT-North America says that it is supporting the 52nd Jamboree on the Air Scouting event by dedicating AO-51 operation to it.
On October 17th and 18th the AO-51 QRP repeater will be set to crossband FM mode and allocated for the scouts to use. The mode change should occur at 00:00 UTC on the 17th and run for approximately 48 hours.
The frequencies to be used for the Jamboree weekend will be 145.880 FM uplink, and 435.150 FM Downlink. No tone access is required. All satellite users are requested to give priority to Jamboree stations and to hold QSO's with them.
International Reply Coupon Deadlines
Operators who use IRC’s in the QSL exchange process are advised to check the expiry dates of their current stock as stock batches expire on 31 December 2009.
Radio Related Blog
You are invited to post notes, articles, papers, and other radio related materials on blog. No advertisements, always free, simple to use.
Bangor & District ARS
Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society meet on the 1st Thursday of every month in "The Boathouse", Groomsport at 8pm.
At 8pm on Thursday 3rd December 2009 they are hosting a talk from Dave GI3OBO on “old timers”. This should be a great evening!
As always, visitors and new members are most welcome.
More information from Mike GI4XSF on 028 4277 2383, or club website :
Sunday 1st November 2009 Foyle and District ARC Rally Venue: White Horse Hotel, 68 Clooney Road, Derry, BT47 3PA (same hotel as last year)
Sunday 22nd November 2009 Mayo Radio Rally Venue: Welcome Inn, Castlebar, Co. Mayo
The rally organiser and main contact is Padraic Baynes EI9JA mobile 087 - 695 7154 or email pbaynes1 at eircom dot net Special Accommodation Rates are also available please check the full details on the website
For more information on Rallies please check the IRTS website.
This week in History
1897 Slaby sends wireless a distance of 21 Kms with balloon antennae, Berlin.
Items mentioned in the IRTS Radio news are of a general, educational or informative nature, there is no guarantee that stations mentioned can be heard or worked
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be
forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot Carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.