Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 13th September 2009
Theory Examination
It is now only one week to the closing date for entry to the next Theory Examination on October the 6th.
Intending candidates should send the appropriate entry fee as soon as possible but in any event before 21st of September. Full details are on a link from the 'Key Clicks' section of the IRTS website at
Skerries Radio Club
The Skerries Radio Club, EI2NCR has returned back from their summer break.
Meetings are held each Tuesday night at 8pm in their premises on the Strand Road in Skerries. All are welcome.
Limerick Radio Club
The Limerick Radio Club wishes to announce that the 2 Metre Repeater will be undergoing maintenance in the next few weeks and may be out of commission sporadically to facilitate the work being undertaken. It is hoped that outages will be kept to a minimum while these improvements are being implemented.
As part of this work, the call-sign is being changed as required under the revision of repeater call-signs by ComReg. It is expected that the new ID for the repeater - EI2TAG will be in operation over the coming days.
HF Propagation Predictions
A UK HF Propagation Predictions page is now available on the RSGB website.
The prediction table is prepared by Gwyn Williams, G4FKH, from Chelmsford in Essex, using a prediction model programmed by VE5ZX.
The predictions have been produced with the "average" Radio Amateur in mind, based on an average radio with a dipole type aerial, in a quiet urban environment.
Clicking on a path name will produce an Optimum MUF / Lowest Usable Frequency graph, depicting the two best bands for the path.
When an unreliable path is suspected, the LUF graph line falls to zero and disappears.
There is a text file available for the vision impaired.
The UK HF Propagation Predictions page can be seen at
Are Sunspots Disappearing!
There are some interesting Items on the Nasa Science Website, that can either be read or listened to, including an interesting item on a new sunspot that is fading already
For more information check headline stories on the site below.
Cork Radio Rally
Cork Radio Rally, which is being held in the Montenotte Hotel Cork today.
All the major traders will attend. There is also a special rate for those who wish to stay overnight. Just mention Cork Radio club Rally when booking.
Food will be available all day, parking available. Doors will open around 11am so come early and get that bargain.
If you wish to trade or require a table please contact Con Mac Parthalain on 0861071312 please ASAP.
Saturday 19th September 2009
Technology Education Centre Spillers Place Omagh Tyrone BT78 1FA
Registration; From 11am - Registration fee £2.00 Registration fee gets you a free entry to the raffle; extra raffle tickets £1.00 each for the main raffle , prizes are an IC-E92D sponsored by Icom and a weather station from Waters & Stanton.
Sponsors; JBT Trading, TA Electronics, Waters & Stanton, Icom, Stephen Boyd 2nd hand radios,
Attractions; Lectures on D-STAR, Satellite Communication, Digital ATV, Echolink and more....GB4FUN, Trade Stands, Catering, Disabled Facilities, Car Park.
Further information /at/
Mayo Rally
The 2009 Mayo Rally will be held on Sunday November 22nd in Castlebar. The venue is The Welcome Inn Hotel, where the 2008 rally was held at short notice, and doors open at 11.00am.
Rally Director, Padraic Baynes, EI9JA, is now taking bookings for stands at the Rally. He can be contacted on 087 6957154.
The hotel are offering very special deals for accommodation and meals.Offers include:
One night B&B plus one Evening Special /at/ €50 Per Person Sharing.
Two Nights B&B + one Evening Meal and a Bottle of Wine /at/ €99 Per Person Sharing.
Two For The Price of One: Two Nights B&B and get a Third Night Free /at/ €99 Per Person Sharing.
For Booking and any further information please contact Heather or Martha at the Welcome Inn Hotel, on 094 90 22288. Email: welcomeinn /at/ web:
The AGM of the Mayo Radio Experimenters will be held on Wednesday October 7th at 9.30pm local time in The Welcome Inn Hotel, Castlebar. All are welcome to attend. This club transmits the IRTS News on Sunday evenings at 8pm local time, on four bands simultaneously. The frequencies are 6 mts. on 51.450 MHZ FM, on 4 mtrs. on 70.375 MHz FM, on 2 mts. FM on the Mayo Repeater (145.600MHz.) and on 70cms on 433.450 also on FM. Call-ins most welcome.
For more information on Rallies please check the IRTS website.
This week in History
1927 PT Farnsworth, USA, transmits TV image by electronic means only.
1936 Last known Tasmanian Tiger dies in Hobart Zoo, Tasmania.
Items mentioned in the IRTS Radio news are of a general, educational or informative nature, there is no guarantee that stations mentioned can be heard or worked.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be
forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot Carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.