Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 6th September 2009
The 78th AGM of Irish Radio Transmitters Society will be held over the weekend Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th April 2010.
The venue will be the Fairways Hotel and Leisure Complex Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co Louth. The Dundalk Amateur Radio Society will be the host for the weekend.
Further details for booking tables etc can be had by contacting the DARS Chairman, Thos EI2JD chairman /at/ or Secretary, Peter EI4HX > secretary /at/
Hotel Bookings can be made to info /at/ A number of rooms have been reserved for anyone staying overnight, and it is advisable to book early.
The IRTS Dinner will start at 8.30 PM Saturday 24th, Rally will commence at 11.00 Sunday morning, and the AGM will start at 2.00 PM.
A good weekend is promised to all who attend.
Theory Examination
It is now only two weeks to the closing date for entry to the next Theory Examination on October the 6th.
Intending candidates should send the appropriate entry fee as soon as possible but in any event before 21 September. Full details are on a link from the 'Key Clicks' section of the IRTS website at
Limerick Repeater
The Limerick Repeater will be undergoing maintenance in the next few weeks and may be out of commission sporadically to facilitate works being carried out. Outages will be kept to a minimum, but please bear with us while improvements are carried out.
Limerick Radio Club have a major enhancement program planned for the repeater which involves a substantial cash outlay, and users of the repeater in the region are reminded to contribute to the repeater funds which can be done by contacting the treasurer Tony Condon EI2AW at QTHR
The Sean Kelly Tour took place last Sunday (August 30th), and from all accounts it was quite successful with roughly 2700 hardy cyclists taking to the road on Saturday evening.
AREN was requested to assist Civil Defence in maintaining an accurate location of as many of the three different sub-events (50k, 100k and 160k) as possible, allowing them to more cleverly deploy their own medical resources around the course. Great use was made of the SEARG APRS digi-peater network, and it definitely proved it’s usefulness on the day. It allowed the members in Net Control to keep both the Civil Defence and event organisers updated as to the locations of various vehicles almost in real-time.
Many thanks to EI2KA, EI8FDB, EI5GOB, EI2GN, EI3IQ, EI2JP, EI7IG, EI8EPB and EI8JA for their assistance on the day.
The next AREN net is on Monday the 7th of September at 19.30PM
This weekend is the annual IRTS SSB HF Field Day, full details and rules are on the IRTS website.
MRG Experimenter Radio Group
The MRG experimenter Radio Group VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2009 will take place between 15.00hrs – 18.00hrs (local time) today.
Fixed section: 144Mhz & 432Mhz (SSB only)
Portable section 144Mhz & 432Mhz. (SSB only)
Any EI/GI operator holding an amateur/experimenter licence can participate. Closing date for logs is October 4h 2009. Please forward completed logs to ei2mrg /at/ Trophies will be presented to the winners of the fixed and portable sections later in the year. A full copy of the rules can be had by visiting
EI9E/P & RSGB National Field Day
The RSGB announced the results of their VHF National Field Day contest held on the first weekend in July. A team of dedicated contesters using the callsign EI9E/P from the Wexford VHF Group, the Network Southern Area Radio Experimenters’ Club and the East Cork Radio Group again finished with the highest overall score in the Open section. The group is awarded the leading overseas entry for the RSGB contest.
The EI9E/P team this year was: EI7FJ, EI6GF, EI2FG, EI8IQ, EI5ASB, EI3JE, EI6BT, EI9HQ, G4CLA, LY3MM, EI4GZB and EI2HQ who’s XYL provided the most delicious rhubarb and Bakewell tarts.
The results can be seen at
Stolen APRS Digi Equipment
The EI7BFB-2 APRS digi equipment was taken from the premises where the station was housed in Finglas, Dublin.
Taken in the theft were
1 x Toshiba Satellite laptop with Ubuntu Linux installed (This operating system is not a default installation on these laptops) 1 x Kantronics KPC-3+ 1 x Kenwood TM-251e 1 x Watson 13.8V 20A black dual meter PSU
The above was stolen on Sunday the 22nd of this month, at 23:23 (last APRS beacon datestamp).
The stolen equipment belongs to Bernard EI8FDB and Dave EI7BFB SYSOP of the EI7BFB-2 APRS digi in Finglas, Dublin.
If anyone sees this or similar being offered, please contact Bernard at email address, ei8fdb /at/, or 086-6021877
Free Service: Amateur Radio Asset Management
The Rig Register is a free service to record your equipment details in a safe and easy to find place. Your equipment can be marked as lost or stolen for others to check.
The Rig Register isn't just for stolen equipment. Groups and clubs can use it as an asset register and a shared login between committee and leaders would allow access to the group's or club's asset list. Please note, when signing up if the postcode field is left blank it does not cause any problems when trying to register from outside of the UK.
More details on the website at
Cork Radio Rally
Cork Radio Rally, which will be held in the Montenotte Hotel Cork on the 13th September.
All the major traders will attend. There is also a special rate for those who wish to stay overnight. Just mention Cork Radio club Rally when booking.
Food will be available all day, parking available. Doors will open around 11am so come early and get that bargain.
If you wish to trade or require a table please contact Con Mac Parthalain on 0861071312 please ASAP.
Saturday 19th September 2009
Technology Education Centre Spillers Place Omagh Tyrone BT78 1FA
Registration; From 11am - Registration fee £2.00 Registration fee gets you a free entry to the raffle; extra raffle tickets £1.00 each.
Sponsors; JBT Trading, TA Electronics, Waters & Stanton, Icom, Stephen Boyd 2nd hand radios,
Attractions; Lectures on D-STAR, Satellite Communication, Digital ATV, Echolink and more....GB4FUN, Trade Stands, Catering, Disabled Facilities, Car Park.
Further information /at/
Foyle & District ARC Annual Rally
Sunday 1st November 2009The Best Western White Horse Hotel68 Clooney Road, DerryBT47 3PA Doors open 12:00hrs Traders Attending:TA Electronics, P&D CB & Amateur Radio Supplies, JBT Trading, MI3NIE Wire Antennas, Long Communications, Foyle Communications,& Rapid Response Computers.Also attending will be the RSGB QSL Bureau & Book Stall, West Tyrone Repeater Group, Donegal Internet Repeater Group, Donegal Mountain Rescue Team & Bring & Buy. This will also be the First showing in GI of the ICOM IC7600
This week in History
1869 This week the ARRL celebrates the 140th anniversary of the birth of ARRL's co-founder and first President, Hiram Percy Maxim, W1AW! Maxim -- born September 2, 1869
1887 Edison patents 'Kinetoscope' device produces moving pictures.
1896 Marconi demonstrates wireless to British PO, Army and Navy 2.5km.
1920 First radio news program, station 8MK, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Items mentioned in the IRTS Radio news are of a general, educational or informative nature, there is no guarantee that stations mentioned can be heard or worked.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be
forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot Carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.