Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 9th August 2009
Next Theory Examination
The next Theory Examination for the Amateur Station Licence will be held on Tuesday the 6th of October at 2p.m. in the ComReg Offices in Dublin. Places for the examination are limited and will, as usual, be allocated on a first come first served basis and will only be reserved on receipt of the examination fee. Intending candidates should forward the appropriate fee to Sean Nolan EI7CD, 12 Little Meadow, Pottery Road, Dunlaoghaire, Co. Dublin in order to reserve a place for the exam.
The fee is 50 Euro or 25 Euro for full-time registered students, repeat candidates and those who are retired, unemployed or have a disability. Cheques and Money Orders should be made payable to the IRTS. When forwarding the exam fee intending candidates should enclose their postal address as well as phone and e-mail contact details.
The closing date for applications to sit the examination, which will be strictly enforced, is Monday the 21st of September. Intending candidates should note that anyone who fails to produce a photo identity on the day of the examination will not be allowed to sit the examination. The photo ID can be a driving licence, a passport, an employment photo identity card or a student card containing a photograph. A national Garda photo ID would also be acceptable.
Sean EI7CDs address can also be found in the IRTS call book or in the call book section of the IRTS website at Sean's e-mail address for any further enquiries is “ei7cd at gofree dot indigo dot ie” Also available on the ‘Downloads’ section of the IRTS website are Examination Notes with a sample examination paper. Also, in the Radio Theory Links section on the website is some very useful information for those studying for the examination.
The examination consists of a question paper of 60 multiple-choice questions divided into three main sections A, B and C and the time allowed is two hours. The pass mark is 60% and a pass is required in each of the three main sections of the paper. Intending candidates should note in particular, that in Section B of the paper – National and International Rules and Operating Procedures’- questions on the National Rules will be based on the new Wireless Telegraphy (Amateur Station Licence) Regulations 2009 which came into force on I June 2009.
These Regulations and other matters in relation to the operation of amateur stations can be found in the ‘Amateur Station Licence Guidelines’ published by ComReg in Document 09/45 which is available on the ‘Publications’ section of the ComReg website at
Incoming-Watch your Heads!!
The tool bag that went missing during a space walk at the International Space Station on November 18, 2008 is due to re-enter the earth's atmosphere in the next couple of days.
During STS-126 mission astronauts ventured outside the International Space Station to do repair work, but lost a bag of tools they had taken along.
AMSAT-UK Space Colloquium Videos
The videos of the presentations at this years successful AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium in Guildford are now available to watch on the British Amateur Television Club (BATC) website
All 18 videos can be seen at
Space Station SSTV Active
The VC-H1 SSTV camera unit will run in auto mode (Robot-36 transmitting once every 3 minutes) and should be operational on 145.800 MHz from approximately 0800-1600 UTC each day.
TAPR now on Twitter
TAPR has been ham radio's pre-eminent digital voice and data technology group for over 25 years and it is now on Twitter under the username taprdigital
TAPR was a pioneer in developing packet radio technology and most recently has been a leader in the development of SDR (Software Defined Radios).
Shack Cleanup
Radio Shack is getting a marketing makeover. Starting August 6, the electronics retailer will change its name to 'The Shack,' a rebranding move designed to shed the last-century association with radio technology and embrace today's digital wireless world.
To celebrate the name change, Radio Shack will conduct a "Shack Summer Netogether," a live event featuring two 17-foot laptop computers in New York and San Francisco. Equipped with Web cams, the laptops will allow live video and audio exchanges between the two cities.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The August meeting of the Tipperary Amatuer Radio Group will take place in Raheen House Hotel Raheen Road Clonmel on Thursday next the 13th at 8.00 pm, all are welcome.
Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association
C.A.R.A are holding their first club event, which is a field day on Sunday 16th August in Crossakiel. They hope to be active on 80m-2m and on 145.550 Simplex.
Please have a listen out for the EI4CARA club station on the bands. The Club meets every Wednesday at 8pm in the Welcome Wagon in Crossakiel. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Limerick Radio Club
On the 15th and 16th of August, members of Limerick Radio Club will be participating from Tarbert Island Lighthouse for the International Lighthouse Weekend, using the call-sign EI4TLH.
Club members, who intend taking part in the event should contact John EI6IW at QTHR or by e-mail to “johne at gofree dot indigo dot ie”
International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2009
More than 300 lighthouses in more than 51 countries -- from Argentina to Wales -- will be on the air for the 2009 International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend.
The event, held for the 11th year in a row, takes place Saturday, August 15 0001 UTC-Sunday, August 16 2359 UTC. While not a contest, the ILLW is more of a QSO Party and Amateur Radio demonstration.
The ILLW aims to raise public awareness of lighthouses and lightships and the need for their preservation and restoration, promote Amateur Radio and foster international goodwill. Stations at more than 40 US lights are expected to be on the air for the event, and several stations will identify with special event call signs.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The next general meeting will take place at 8.30 p.m. on Monday the 31st of August.
Please Note: Both Committee and General meetings take place on the last Monday of each month. Committee meetings take place at 8.00 p.m. and the general meeting follows at 8.30 p.m. General meetings are open to all members and visitors are very welcome.
Net’s are held on the 7th and 21st of each Month. It is envisaged that the net on the 21st of each month will be a digital mode training net.
C.R.C. Rally 2009
The Cork Radio Club is holding their Rally in the Montenotte Hotel in Cork on the 13th of September. Special rates for those who wish to stay overnight just mention Cork radio Club.
Food all day, plenty of parking & doors open at 11am. All the usual traders will be there.
Mayo Rally
The 2009 Mayo Rally will be held on Sunday November 22nd in Castlebar. The venue is The Welcome Inn Hotel, Where the 2008 rally was held at short notice, and doors open at 11.00am.
Rally Director, Padraic Baynes, EI9JA, is now taking bookings for stands at the Rally. He can be contacted on 087 6957154. The hotel will be offering a Rally special deal for accommodation. Full details will be available soon.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, preferably via e-mail to “charlie dot Carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.