Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 15th March 2009
The IRTS AGM weekend, which is hosted by the Shannon Basin Radio Club, takes place on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April 2009. The venue is the Shamrock Lodge Hotel Athlone, which boasts ample car parking space and the best facilities around.
Tickets for the annual dinner are now available from Brian Canning EI8IU, Brian can be contacted on 086 2514822 of via email from brianei8iu /at/
There will also be a Rally and Annual Gereral Meeting, for further details in relation to the dinner or rally please contact Brian EI8IU, Tony EI6DL, or Pat EI9HX There is also lots more information available on the AGM weekend from the IRTS website.
5 MHz Renewals
As we told you recently the present 5 MHz permits expire on the expiry date of the associated licence and an application to ComReg is required for their continuance.
Where any change is being made in the equipment or the antenna being used, the location of the station or in the nature of the experiments being carried out then a full application must be made on ComReg form 02/07R2 Radio Experimenter Licence: Additional Authorisation (Powers and Frequencies) which is available on the ComReg website at
Where no changes are being made a letter or e-mail (derek.oreilly /at/ ) requesting continuance of the permission will suffice but it must explicitly state that no changes are being made to the equipment, antenna or in the nature of the experiments being carried out or the location of the station. Complying with these requirements will simplify the processing of these applications.
Tony Liddy EI9IL is putting on a bus for anyone who wishes to travel to the AGM in Athlone. The bus will depart from Limerick City on Saturday or Sunday depending on numbers. Tony is also considering running a bus to Friedrichschafen in June with lots of space for anyone wanting to bring goodies back! Tony can be contacted on 087-9912341
IRTS Radio News
The Galway news will be transmitted on a simplex frequency of 145.550 (S22) each every Monday at 8 pm from Monday 23rd of March with Steve EI5DD as the reader.
Theory Classes in Cork
Theory classes are underway at the Community Centre in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork and the next class is on Saturday March 21st starting at 1000.
Anyone interested in joining the class should contact Dave EI4BZ on 087-6290574 or ei4bz at eircom dot net
Limerick Radio Club & Engineers Ireland..Week of Wonder
The Club's participation in Engineers Ireland's in the recent Week of Wonder was a great success. Students from the local primary school attended at the Limerick Institute of Technology and took part in the IRTS workshop.
The Students were introduced to the science of radio and communications by means of a multi media presentation. They went on to construct an audio oscillator which was used by them to send Morse. Lets hope that this exposure to radio technology will stimulate the interest of some of them to consider becoming professional engineers in the future.
The workshop was organized locally by Ger McNamara EI4GXB, in conjunction with the Radio Engineering Department of the Institute. Club members who participated in the workshop were Tony Condon EI2AW, Michael Kingston EI2IX, Dermot Gleeson EI2GT and Simon Kenny EI7ALB.
New Date for GlobalSET - April 18th
The date for the Global Simulated Emergency Test(GlobalSET), sponsored by IARU Region 1, has been altered to coincide with World Amateur Radio Day which takes place on Saturday, April 18th.
The theme for the day of "Amateur Radio: Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency Communication" is an ideal opportunity to showcase the work of emergency communications groups around the world.
The timing of the event remains at 1100-1500 UTC but in a change for this and future events, the focus will be on generating and relaying messages in a common format across country borders rather than the information gathering about capabilities which has taken place in the past.
More information will be posted on and as it becomes available.
AREN Net-Mode Change
In preparation for GlobalSET on the 18th of April, the AREN net on the 21st of March will be a voice net instead of a Data Net. The message format will be circulated prior to the event to AREN Members. Anyone requiring further information should contact John EI7IG at 0868167310.
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society
On Wednesday the 4th March, a well attended AGM of Dundalk Amateur Radio Society took place at the Headquarters in 113 Castletown Road Dundalk.
The following officers ware elected for the year ahead. Thos EI2JD was unanimously elected as Chairman, Jim MI3SBI was reinstated as treasurer. Peter EI4HX was elected as Secretary with unanimous approval from all attending.
Limerick Radio Club
At the Club AGM held on 26 February 2009 the following were elected to the incoming committee: Officers:Dermot Gleeson EI2GT, Hon Secretary Michael Kingston EI2IX, Hon Treasurer Tony Condon EI2AW
Committee members, John Edgeworth EI6IW, Simon Kenny EI7ALB,Ger Mc Namara EI4GXB & Tom O Brien EI5CA .
South Dublin Radio Club
The South Dublin Radio Club will have its AGM on Tuesday 31st March 2009 at 2030, In the Scouts den in Tempelogue.
Please also note that there will be no Club meeting on Tuesday 17th March
Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society
Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society meet on the 1st Thursday of every month in "The Boathouse", Groomsport at 8pm.
At 8pm on Thursday 7th May 2009 there will be a talk on computer logging by Pete GI4VIV
As always, visitors and new members are most welcome.
More information from Mike GI4XSF on 028 4277 2383, or club website :
committee would like to thank all those who attended the recent Exhibition at the Radisson SAS Hotel in Limerick. We would particularly like to thank those who travelled from outside the immediate catchment area of Limerick , given the bad weather conditions on the day. Your attendance and support is very much appreciated by the Club.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the UK traders and the local Irish traders for their attendance at the Exhibition and for helping to make it a successful event. Particular thanks to ICOM, BHI and Yaesu for their generous donations of prizes for the annual raffle.
The winners of the raffle were: 1st Prize Revere Richardson EI9EYB 2nd Prize John Edgeworth EI6IW 3rd Prize John Edgeworth EI6IW
Rallies during March include the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Rally in Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh on Sunday 29th March.
Bangor and District Radio Club Rally
The 2009 rally will be held on Sunday 14th June 2009(This is a new date) At 12 Noon In "The Country Club", Crawfordsburn. Admission will be £2 including 2 raffle tickets!
The new RSGB GB4FUN vehicle, trade stands, Bring and Buy, ballot and a good selection of radio and computer traders will be in attendance
Special interest groups will have their own stands. The ever popular free bring and buy will be running as normal contact Bill GI4AAM for further details: Tel: 028 9181 6707
More details of these events are also available on the IRTS web site at
Special Event Stations
Galway Radio Experimenters Club
The Galway Radio Experimenters Club will be operating a portable station from Inis Mor on the Arann Islands for the duration of ST. Patrick’s day.
Using the callsign EJ4GRC, they will be operating on all bands and modes and a commemorative QSL card will be sent to all stations worked, and also to any SWL's that hear our station and request a card.
This is the first outing by GREC to the Arann Islands but may not be the last so listen out on St. Patricks day and seize the opportunity to aquire a QSL card from the first ever trip to Arann.
GB5SPD St. Patrick's Day
The Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club MN0AKU have been issued a Special Event Callsign - GB5SPD - to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day 2009.
The Club will be on the air to celebrate this event from Saturday, 14th March until Tuesday, 17th March, 2009
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society
EI7DAR will be active on St. Ptrick’s day on all bands as part of the 40th Anniversary 2009.
Galway VHF Group
Members of the Galway VHF Group will be activating Oranmore Castle on St. Patrick's Day, 17th March. Oranmore Castle is situated on the shore of Galway Bay only a few hundred yards from the Village of Oranmore. Oranmore Castle is Designated EI/001/C for the puposes of CASHOTA and it is located in WAB Square M32. The station will be QRV on 80m, 40m and 20m, depending on conditions.
The Castle was built sometime around the fifteenth century. Oranmore Castle was the stronghold of the Clanricards, a prominent Norman family, was then surrendered to parliamentary forces in 1651, and was leased to Walter Blake of Drumacrina in1666 and held by that family until 1853.
The castle is presently owned by Commander William King, his daughter Leoni and her husband Alec Finn of De Danaan, Commander King served on three submarines during World War II The HMS Snapper, HMS Trusty and HMS Telemachus and was awarded seven medals for his bravery during his service. Commander King was a prolific writer and is probably also best remembered for his successful solo circumnavigation of the globe which was completed in 1973.
For further information about the CASHOTA-IRELAND award check out our site at
History this week
1910 Wireless Institute of Australia founded, world's first AR society.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, via e-mail to “charlie dot Carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.