Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 15th February 2009
Silent Key
It is with deep sadness that we have to inform you that Jim (VK9NS) passed peacefully away on Norfolk Island at 15:40 local time on 10 February 2009 after a short illness.
Jim is survived by his wife Kirsti (VK9NL) and his four children: Bruce (G3HSR), Stuart, Sheena and Fraser (all living in the UK). Jim's contribution to Amateur Radio, DX-ing and IOTA is inestimable. He will be sadly missed.
Further information and condolences can be sent to Kirsti at jimkirsti /at/
We are glad to report that a very constructive meeting was held on Thursday last between representatives of ComReg and of the Society. We hope to bring you a report on this meeting in next weeks bulletin.
IRTS Dinner Tickets
Tickets for the IRTS dinner will be available to purchase at the Coolmine Rally.More details can be obtained by clicking on the AGM weekend link on the IRTS website.
Echo Ireland by electronic download
If you would like to receive Echo Ireland by way of electronic download, and so help to reduce the Society's postage bill, please let the Membership Records Officer know.
Include your call sign and email address in the request, and send it to memrecords /at/
Trophy Returns.
It is now time for the return of all trophies presented at the 2008 AGM. Trophies may be given back to any IRTS Committee Member as soon as possible or by post direct to the Awards Committee Chairman Peter EI4HX QTH-R: 37 Glenmore Park, Dundalk, Co Louth.
Final date for return, is February 21st 2009.
Nomination for awards
It is also now time for nominations for the various awards, which are presented each year at the IRTS AGM, for members who deserve recognition for their dedication to IRTS, to their local Club, or to Radio in General.
Also for the submission for the construction awards, and SWL trophy, and 4M and 6M Shields etc.
Nominations please to awards committee. or direct to Peter EI4HX ei4hxperimental /at/ as soon as possible,nomination deadline February 21st 2009.
Dave EI3IO Joins IARU Committee
We are glad to let you know that Dave Court EI3IO has been invited to join the IARU Region 1 External Relations Committee as an expert adviser. The External Relations Committee is a very important body as it is the IARU Region 1 interface with the CEPT and other radio regulatory bodies on matters of importance to the interests of the amateur service such as spectrum requirements and licensing.
As many of you will be aware Dave has extensive experience in these and a wide range of other areas having held quite a number of key positions in spectrum management including Director of the European Radiocommunicarions Office (ERO).
We know that Dave's experience and advice will be of great assistance to furthering the work of the External Relations Committee in Region 1 of the IARU.
Amateur Radio and Hillwalking
Those who want to combine amateur radio with hillwalking can get involved in the Summits On The Air ("SOTA") programme. SOTA is a bit like IOTA, with hills and mountains replacing islands. It is designed to encourage portable operation in mountainous areas, and there are awards for activators, who ascend to the summits, and chasers, who either operate from home, a local hilltop or are activators on other summits.
More than 20 countries are currently involved in the SOTA programme, including Ireland - North and South. There are 387 eligible summits in EI (of which more than 50 have been activated) and 66 eligible summits in GI (of which 36 have been activated). More details, including a list of eligible summits and a lot more, can be found at and at
With a view to encouraging more SOTA activity, an International SOTA Weekend is to be held on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd May 2009. It is hoped that this event will see many summit-to-summit contacts between different SOTA associations, and give chasers the chance to work activators from several different DXCC entities.
South Dublin Radio Club
John Ronan EI7IG will be giving a talk at South Dublin Radio Club on Tuesday 17th of February at 8pm. There will be two topics. "How APRS works" and "AREN current status, future direction"
Visitors are welcome to attend
Directions are on the clubs website:
Shannon Basin Radio Club
After the recent AGM,the new committee is as follows; Chairman Pat EI9HX, Secretary Brian EI8IU, Joint treasurers Fergus EI6IB and Brian EI8iu, PRO Pat EI9HX,QSL Manager Mickey EI5EAB.The club would like to offer Thanks to the outgoing committee and a warm welcome to the new members.
Galway Radio Experimenters Club
The Galway Radio Experimenters Club will be operating a portable station from Inis Mor on the Arann Islands for the duration of ST. Patrick’s day.
Using the callsign EJ4GRC, they will be operating on all bands and modes and a commemorative QSL card will be sent to all stations worked, and also to any SWL's that hear our station and request a card.
This is the first outing by GREC to the Arann Islands but may not be the last so listen out on St. Patricks day and seize the opportunity to aquire a QSL card from the first ever trip to Arann..Who knows it may be a collectors item some day!!
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The Annual General Meeting of South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place on Monday the 23rd of February at 8.00 p.m. in usual venue of the Roanmore Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford.
All members are asked to attend but visitors and new members are very welcome. Please note that as membership subscriptions are now due, this meeting is an ideal opportunity to renew membership. For more information about the group, log on to
Radio Rallies
Today the 15th February 2009 Coolmine Radio Rally,
The Coolmine Radio Rally, run by the Phoenix Radio Club Is being held in the Coolmine Community School, Clonsilla Dublin 15 on today Sunday 15th February 2009,Doors opened at 9.30 am.
The Coolmine Committee welcome all visitors to bring their items for sale as there will be table available for bring and buy. This makes for great interest and perhaps bargains for those wanting to buy and a good opportunity for those wanting to sell unwanted gear.
See map on
Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club
The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club will be holding a Bring and Buy sale on Saturday 21st February 2009 from 11 am to 3pm. The venue is the Banbridge Library, Banbridge, Co Down.
The Club will be hosting a stall for individuals wishing to sell items, and for anyone wishing to book a table, please contact Bobby MI3RWG at cqmuarc /at/ or ring (0044) 02838348451. Full details are available on
Rallies during March include the Radio Hobbies and
Electronics Fair in the Limerick Radisson SAS Hotel on Sunday 8th March, The Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society Rally in Hillsborough, Co. Down on Saturday 14th March and the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Rally in Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh on Sunday 29th March.
The big event in April is the IRTS AGM Weekend, on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April. This takes place in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. Weekend events include the IRTS Annual Dinner, a Radio Rally and the IRTS Annual General Meeting.
More details of these events will be given in later bulletins, and are also available on the IRTS web site at
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, via e-mail to “charlie dot Carolan at gmail dot com” Or by phone to 087-6265418 News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.