Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 14th December 2008
Webmaster Wanted
The role of the IRTS web site includes keeping members informed about local and international amateur radio activities, encouraging members to continue their membership and motivating potential members to join, promoting the activities of radio experimenters and the hobby of amateur radio.
Being a single source of information on matters of interest to Irish radio experimenters which would include, for example, club activities, contest results, repeater frequencies, band plans and forthcoming rallies.
The job of the Webmaster is to maintain and develop the web site so that it fulfils this role in an interesting and accessible way. IRTS is looking for applications for the position of Webmaster. Like all of the society’s officer positions, this is a voluntary position.
Members interested in being appointed Webmaster should indicate their interest to the society’s president Finbarr Buckley EI1CS (buckleyf1 /at/ and demonstrate their web skills by supplying links to web sites or web pages which they have developed.
80 metres Counties Contest
The IRTS 80 metres Counties Contest takes place on Thursday 1st January 2009. Rules for this contest were published in the October-November 2008 issue of Echo Ireland - they are also available for download at
In previous years, during this contest there has been a lot of contest activity around 3.680 MHz, a popular frequency for those chasing Worked All Ireland squares. This frequency is however outside the contest-preferred parts of the 80 metres band. To encourage all participants in the Counties Contest to adhere to the Band Plan, we have amended the contest rules to make it a requirement that the IARU Region 1 Band Plan should be observed. We have also provided that CW contacts in this contest should only be made in the recognised CW end of the band.
While 3.775 MHz to 3.800 MHz is within the SSB contest-preferred segment of the band, the Band Plan also indicates that priority should be given to intercontinental operation in this segment. Given that the Counties Contest is largely a local contest, we have indicated therefore that no operation should take place above 3.775 MHz.
In summary, the frequencies available to contesters in the 80 metres Counties Contest are: CW 3.510-3.560 MHz; SSB 3.600-3.650 and 3.700-3.775 MHz
AREN nets
It is envisaged that the net on the 21st of the month will be a digital mode training net. Members without email access should contact John, EI7IG at 0868167310 for more details.
2009 International Space Station Calendar
As part of NASA's celebration of the 10th anniversary of the International Space Station, the agency is offering a special 2009 calendar to teachers, as well as the general public. The calendar can be downloaded from the link
Limerick Radio Club
Limerick Radio Club would like to take this opportunity to wish all its members and supporters a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
Election of new Committee A quorum was reached, however in the absence of any proposals, the existing committee agreed to stay in their existing positions for another term. New Committee: EI3ENB Chairperson EI3FFB Vice Chairperson EI2JB Secretary EI7IG PRO EI2IT Treasurer
The Tipperary Amateur Radio Group would like to wish all Radio Experimenters and shortwave listeners a happy and peaceful Christmas,a word of thanks to members who helped out in all the different events, and in particular thanks to the newsreaders for the service they provided during the year.
Santa DX
Santa Claus Land active (Special Event - this one for the kids!)
Once again OH9SCL will be active from Santa Claus Land (SCL) in the Arctic Circle, during the month of December.
Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. There has been plenty of activity over the past week on 40/20/30 meters, some SSB, RTTY and PSK31.
This week in History
1901 Marconi received the first transatlantic communication, letter 'S'.
1961 The first amateur satellite, OSCAR I was launched.
New Worked All States Award
The ARRL has introduced a new award called the "Triple Play Worked All States Award". This award is unusual in that it requires confirmed contacts with each of the 50 states in the USA using three modes for each state - CW, phone and digital. All 150 contacts must be made on or after 1st January 2009 and must be confirmed via Logbook of the World. All bands - with the exception of 60 meters - may be used. Further details of this and other ARRL awards are available on
DXCC End of year approaching
In order to appear in the printed 'Annual and Honour Roll' listings your submission must be postmarked on or by Wednesday, December 31, 2008.
The DXCC Honour Roll list is scheduled for publication in August 2009 QST. For the 2008 calendar year the minimum requirement to appear in the Honour Roll list is 329 current entities. The Top of the Honour Roll total is 338 for this period. Remember, deleted entities do not count towards the Honour Roll.
Direct comments or questions to dxcc /at/ ....
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, via e-mail to “charlie dot Carolan at gmail dot com. Or by phone to 087-6265418
News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.