Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 5th 2008
Silent Key
Mike Eyman- W0XM became a Silent Key on Thursday 25th September. Mike and his wife Kay EI7HQ / WA0WOF have been regular visitors to Ireland & have met many Irish friends in Dayton over the years.
Radio Theory Examination Material
Anyone studying for the forthcoming theory examination - or indeed any experimenter who wants to learn more - should note that the IRTS web site has links to numerous sources of information about radio theory.
Exam candidates will no doubt have a copy of the "Examination Notes and Sample Paper", available on the Downloads Page. This document includes a copy of the full HAREC syllabus. The Downloads page also includes other useful reading material such as the handbook "Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur" (mentioned in a recent radio news bulletin) and copies of IARU band plans.
The page "Where do I Start?" has some key links - including details of how to order the CD-based "Radio Experimenter's Examination Course Guide" as well as links to ComReg's Experimenters Pages, which are well worth a visit. Finally, we suggest browsing to the "Radio Theory" page, which has over 20 links to sites containing a wealth of relevant information, including sample examination papers. While the range and complexity of topics covered in some of these sites is beyond the requirements of the HAREC Syllabus, they do include some very helpful material.
Theory Examination
We would like to remind intending candidates that the closing date for applications to sit the next Theory Examination for the Experimenter’s Licence is Friday, 17 October. The examination will be held on Thursday, 30 October at 2.00 p.m. at the ComReg offices in Dublin. In order to book a place the appropriate fee must be sent before the closing date to Sean Nolan EI7CD, 12 Little Meadow, Pottery Road, Dunlaoghaire, County Dublin. The fee is 50 Euro or 25 Euro for full-time registered students, repeat candidates and those who are retired, unemployed or have a disability. Cheques and Money Orders should be made payable to the IRTS. When forwarding the fee intending candidates should include their full postal address as well as phone and e-mail contact details. It should be noted that the production of a photo ID on the day of the examination is mandatory. Any candidate failing to produce one on the day will not be permitted to sit the examination. The photo ID may be a driving licence, a passport, an employment photo identity card, a student card containing a photo or a Garda national photo ID. Sean EI7CD’s address can be found in the IRTS call book or in the call book section of the IRTS website at His e-mail address for any enquiries is "ei7cd at gofree dot indigo dot ie"
IRTS New Members
IRTS would like to welcome the following new members EI4JW Stephen Blake, Ballina, Co Mayo. EI4GIB Paul Whelan, Co Kildare. EI6GBB Shamsudin Amkhadov Dublin 15. EI6GRB Jason McGarrigle, Donegal Town, Co Donegal. EI6GPB Philip Lane, Wexford. EI6GWB Gerry Breen, Kilkenny. EI6GZB Liam Kelly, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow. EI7FJB Robert Murphy, Co Cork. EI7GCB Jennifer Johnson, Fermoy, Co Cork. EI8IP Patrick J O’Reilly, Kells, Co Meath. EI8DRB Gerard Kavanagh, Co Galway. EI9DS James Waters, Gorey, Co wexford. EI9JV Laurent Pierre Schoumacker, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. EI9JX Arnold Mallows, Fermoy, Co Cork. EI1568 Pene Aldridge, Charlestown, Co Mayo. EI1569 Denis O’Flaherty, Watergrasshill, Co Cork. EI1570 Andrew Sankey, Dublin 22.
IRTS QSL Bureau Sub manager
An immediate vacancy exists for a Sub Manager for the EI5 calls. Anyone that may be interested in taking up this position should Contact Finbarr Buckley EI1CS by e-mail at “buckleyf1 at eircom dot net” or via 021-4346622 as soon as possible.
IRTS Assistant News Editor
Apologies to Gerard Kavanagh EI8DRB the Assistant News Editor, his call was previously printed incorrectly.
New Club Donegal
Experimenters in the south Donegal area are meeting up on Monday 6th October in the Mill Park Hotel in Donegal Town. The intention is to set up an active club called Donegal Amateur Radio Club in this area. Jason EI6GRB, Paul EI5GTB and Dessie EI3GWB will meet with other interested amateurs who come along on the night.
The intention is to create a forum for existing amateurs to meet and develop our skills. DARC plan to meet on the first Monday of the month but will post information of all upcoming meetings on their website They also have an open invitation out to anyone who is interested in becoming an amateur to come along for more information and help. At the moment there are a number of people coming along for information. The club members will provide all the support needed for them in the process of becoming a licensed experimenter.
On the night DARC hope to have the numbers required to become an IRTS affiliated club and will take steps towards this. Anyone interested, please come along call in on the Sligo repeater (145.7) or simplex 145.365 on the evening of the 6th if anyone needs directions or information.
The new AREN Handbook should have arrived by the end of September, Any AREN members who have not received one please contact John EI7IG at QTHr
Spotless Sun
As of 27 September, the Sun has been spotless on 200 days in 2008. You have to go back over 50 years to 1954 to find a year in which the sun had no sunspots for more than 200 days. Experts say we are experiencing a deep minimum of the solar cycle. If solar activity continues at such a low level, 2008 could, by the end of December be the year with the longest continuous period without sunspots in 100 years. However, you will be relieved to hear that there is nothing wrong with the sun. Solar minima this deep and long are common in the historical record of solar cycles and do not represent a fundamental breakdown in the Sun’s 11 year activity cycle. Thanks to Joe EI2CI for bringing this item to our attention. Further details on
Galway VHF Group
Members of the Galway VHF Group activated Ballycurrin Lighthouse which is situated on the shores of Lough Corrib. Ballycurrin Lighthouse is the only inshore lighthouse in Europe and is in a very good state of preservation considering the fact that it was built in the mid 1700’s.
The weather was perfect for the operation and, on arrival, antennas were manufactured on site in record time whilst the station was being assembled. Many Stations were worked on 40 and 80 metres with good signal reports both ways. Conditions on 80 metres were excellent around EI and into the UK. 40 metre conditions were variable between Europe with occasional strong UK stations.
Regrettably there was no short skip into EI despite the low height of the dipole antenna. The Galway VHF Group will be activating this lighthouse during the Lighthouses on the Air event next year. The Club callsign EI4ALE/P was operated by Joe, EI3IX, John, EI7FAB, and Steve, EI5DD. Special thanks to the three operators for their efforts and also to the many stations that called in to support their efforts.
MRG VHF / UHF Challenge 2008
The MRG Group are currently receiving logs from participating stations and will announce the winners soon after the final submission date for the logs. Contest Logs to be forwarded to “ei2mrg at yahoo dot com” arriving no later than 7th October 2008. Logs received after this date will not count towards any award.
18th October: Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group Rally in Downshire Community School Carrickfergus doors open 12 noon info 24-25 October: Amateur Radio Show Donington Park, Leicester Details 1-2 November: North Wales Radio Society 22nd North Wales Amateur Radio Show Llandudno Radio Rally The new site is the brand new John Bright high school in Llandudno.
2nd November: Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally in The White Horse Hotel Campsie, Londonderry Doors open at 11:30 a.m. for Disabled access Main event at 12 noon info
Sunday 23rd November: Mayo Radio Rally, Belmont Hotel, Knock, Co. Mayo. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Rally Director, Padraic Baynes, EI9JA info
Limerick Radio Club
The next meeting of the Club will be on the Thursday the 9th of October at the usual venue, the Limerick Institute of Technology, Moylish at 19:30 local time. All those interested are welcome to attend.
DX Bulletins
SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, E5. Bill, N7OU will be QRV as E51NOU from Rarotonga, IOTA OC-013, from September 15 to October 11. He will be active on 40 to 10 meters using only CW. QSL to home call
Swaziland,Callsign change 18-19 October David GI4FUM / EI4DJ will be active from Swaziland during JOTA using the call 3DA0SS- Swazi Scouts. There will be a group of 20 Swazi scouts experiencing JOTA for the first time. QSL via GI4FUM - see 3DA0DJ details on “QRZ dot com”
Swaziland, 25-26 October David GI4FUM / EI4DJ will be active during CQWW SSB from the former IRTS AFRI75 Dxpedition site & antenna farm in Hawane using the call 3DA0DJ. The 3DA0DJ call will be active from 18-28 October QSL via GI4FUM - see 3DA0DJ details on “QRZ dot com”
E-mail address Change
Due to very high volumes of spam e-mail, it was deemed necessary to shut down the "news at irts dot ie" address. Going forward, please send all input for the IRTS Radio News and Echo Ireland Newsletter to the new e-mail address which is "newsteam at irts dot ie". Again, the new e-mail for news input is "newsteam at irts dot ie".
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be
forwarded to Charlie EI8JB, via e-mail to “charlie dot Carolan at gmail dot com. Of by phone to 087-6265418
News can also be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Friday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.