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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday July 20th 2008

Theory Examination

On last Wednesday week twenty candidates sat the theory examination for the experimenters Licence. The results of the exam were delivered to ComReg on Monday last and we understand that they are now in the post to candidates. This is a total turnaround time of less than two weeks.

The collaboration between ComReg and the IRTS on the exam has been very successful. Since the IRTS took over responsibility for organising, setting and correcting the examination three years ago six examinations have been held. A total of 146 candidates have sat these examinations and the overall pass rate has been 62%.

Radio Clubs - Please Update Your Information

The Autumn is typically the time of year when many of us consider joining a class or becoming involved in a new hobby. Anyone looking at amateur radio will no doubt click on the "Radio Clubs" link on the IRTS web site, where details of more than 30 clubs affiliated to the society are available. It is important that these details are up to date, so club secretaries and other officers are asked to review the information shown on the IRTS web site for their own club.

Updates or additions should be sent to the webmaster as soon as possible, as it is planned to highlight the link to the "Radio Clubs" page during the month of August. Contact the Webmaster at "pagemaster at irts dot ie".

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group (Sunday News Only)

On Monday the 21st of July, Roger G4ROJ will give a Kite aerial demonstration and presentation at Carriganore Campus in Waterford. The meeting will take place at 8.00 p.m. Please note the change from the usual venue. A map is available on Weather permitting, Roger will give an outdoor demo of Kite antennas in use and there will also be a presentation indoors.

All are welcome to attend.

South Dublin Radio Club

On the 22nd of July Tony, EI3GU one of the team members of "Fastnet Force 7" will show a film and answer questions on EJ7FRL, the first and only activation (so-far) of Fastnet rock in 1991.

Postage Costs

On subscription renewal notices posted since May, members have been given the choice of receiving the Echo Ireland newsletter electronically as an alternative to ordinary mail. The take-up from this offer has been excellent, and we are now opening this offer to members generally.

Those who opt to receive the newsletter electronically instead of in paper form will be issued with a username and password, which gives them access to a download site containing PDFs of all the newsletters from 2006 onwards, and which will be updated as each new issue is published. If you would like to receive Echo Ireland by way of electronic download, and so help to reduce the Society's postage bill, please let the Membership Records Officer know. Include your call sign and email address in the request, and send it to “memrecords at irts dot ie”.

Cork Radio Club, Rally Venue Change

Due to the closure of the Blarney Park Hotel the club has had to move the Rally to a new location. The Hotel that CRC has selected offers the same facilities as Blarney giving even more space to accommodate more traders and amateurs.

Cork Radio Club are very much looking forward to hosting the rally this year at Montenotte Hotel, Cork on Sunday the 14th of September and hope you will share the same commitment as before in the last 16 years.

Further details will be posted with regards to the location “how to get there” etc. A short video of the venue can be viewed on “you tube” URL

The Cork Radio Club meets every Monday night at 8.30 pm at 1a Assumption Road Cork. Further details from the club Secretary, Frank Mason EI6EVB at QTHR.

Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall, EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 087-6302026 or 051-340850. Items for the radio news can also be faxed to 087 5 6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to “news at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Friday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.


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