Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday March 2nd 2008
Limerick Rally
The Limerick Radio Club Radio, Electronics and Hobbies Fair will take place on Sunday the 9th of March 2008 at the Radisson SAS Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. and Admission is 5 Euro. Accompanied children are admitted for free.
This year the Club has decided to mount a special stand at the Fair for the sale of surplus equipment - the proceeds of the sale will go to a special fund for the upkeep and development of the Club’s Repeater Network. Donations of equipment and funds for the stand will be gratefully received by Gerry Byrnes EI3JU who is coordinating this aspect of the Fair.
Suppliers of radio and electronics equipment from the UK (Yaesu & Icom have confirmed they will attend) and Ireland are scheduled to participate. There will also be the usual Bring and Buy Sale. Table Hire is 10 Euro per table. For Enquiries and bookings contact Dermot Gleeson EI2GT at QTHR or via e-mail to “ei2gt at eircom dot net”.
IRTS AGM 2008 - Galway
The IRTS Annual General Meeting will be hosted this year on the 26th and 27th of April 2008 by the Galway Radio Experimenters Club. The venue is the Salthill Hotel on the prom in Salthill, Galway. See their website for details at You can also call the hotel on 091 522711 to book accommodation. Rates are 75 Euro per person sharing double room and a single room is 85 Euro to include breakfast. Please mention the Galway Radio Club when booking.
If you prefer B&B, there are ample B&B’s in the Salthill area. The IRTS dinner will be held on Saturday evening the 26th of April in the hotel at 8 p.m. with music in the bar afterwards. On Sunday the 27th there will be a rally in the hotel from 11 a.m. with many of the traders that were at the Knock rally attending. Lunch will be available in the hotel and the AGM meeting will be held afterwards in the meeting room upstairs. Salthill is an ideal venue for a family weekend, walk the famous promenade and avail of the many attractions Salthill has to offer, the Sea Aquarium, cafes, restaurants and bars.
The Leisureland swimming complex is beside the hotel and Galway’s shopping centres are not too far away. For any help and rally details, contact the club’s officers: Damian Commins EI2HG on 086 8316382 or Tom Frawley EI3ER on 086 8224170.
Trophy Returns
In order to allow time for any engraving or minor repairs, the final date for returns of Trophies presented at the 2007 AGM is the 9th of March 2008.
Returns can be made before that date to any IRTS Committee Member, or to the IRTS Stand at the Limerick Rally on Sunday March the 9th. Return of trophies to the home QTH of Peter Grant, Award Manager by regular post is the least reliable and most expensive.
South Dublin Radio Club
The South Dublin Radio Club annual general meeting will take place on Tuesday the 4th of March at the club's premises on the Marian Road in Rathfarnam.
Theory Classes
Theory Classes are continuing at South Dublin Radio Club and also Cara Amateur Radio Society. Classes at SDR take place each Tuesday from 8 to 10 p.m. while classes at Cara take place on Wednesdays from 8.30 to 10.30 p.m. For more information contact Michael EI2GKB.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The Annual General Meeting of South Eastern Amateur Radio Group took place on Monday the 25th of February last. The meeting was well attended and the attendance included IRTS President Finbarr Buckley EI1CS who gave a very interesting talk covering much of the interesting history of Amateur Radio in Ireland and also gave some information about the IRTS and some recent talks with ComReg. Finbarr was presented with Waterford Crystal glasses by incoming club chairperson, John McCarthy, EI8JA.
The incoming committee for 2008 is as follows;
Chairperson is John McCarthy EI8JA, Nicky Madigan EI3JB is Vice Chairperson, Secretary is Mark Wall EI7IS and Michael Hoban EI5DCB remains on as Treasurer. PRO is Francis Lenane EI5GOB.
The officers are John Ronan EI7IG, Declan Fitzgerald EI5GRB and Eddie Steadman EI9DJB.
Please note that membership subscriptions are now due for 2008 and can be passed on to any committee member. The club is also looking for volunteers to read the news, if you can help please send an e-mail to “info at searg dot com” or “markwall at vodafone dot ie”.
Shannon Basin Radio Club
The club would like to extend its sympathy to the family of the late John, EI8DL, a valued club member who sadly passed away a short while ago.
The Shannon Basin Radio Club recently held its AGM in Hannons Hotel, Roscommon Town. The newly elected committee are as follows; Chairperson is Pat EI9HX, Secretary is Brian EI8IU, Treasurer is Fergus EI6IB, PRO is Anthony EI1153, QSL manager is Mickey EI5EAB and Contest Manager is Richard EI5GUB.
The club would like to extend thanks to all the members of the outgoing committee and the IRTS President Finbar EI1CS who also attended the meeting. The next meeting is on Wednesday night next the 5th of March, at 8.30 p.m. in Hannons hotel Roscommon. All are welcome! For more information contact EI9HX or EI8IU.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The next monthly meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will take place in Raheen House Hotel, Raheen Road, Clonmel on Thursday next the 6th of March. All are welcome.
Upcoming Rallies
The Lagan Valley Radio Rally will take place on the 15th of March at Lagan Valley Hospital, Lisburn. For information contact Jim Henry, GI0DVU on 048 926 62270.
The Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally will take place in The Share Centre, Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh on Sunday the 13th of April 2008.
DXCC Status of Kosovo
The ARRL has confirmed that Kosovo cannot be added to the DXCC list of countries until such time as it either becomes a member of the United Nations or is allocated a prefix block by the International Telecommunications Union.
70 MHz in the Czech Republic
It is reported on that the authorities in the Czech Republic have announced that they are soon to issue twenty special permits for the band 70.2 to 70.3 MHz with 10 watts ERP on all modes. The permits will be valid initially until the 31st of December 2008. It is interesting to note that the Czech Republic was among the countries supporting the ComReg proposal about 70 MHz at the recent meeting of the CEPT Frequency Management Working Group.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall, EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 087-6302026 or 051-340850. Items for the radio news can also be faxed to 087 5 6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to “news at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Friday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.