Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday December 23rd 2007
Another Radio Anniversary
Our 75th anniversary year is drawing to a close. During the year, both here on the weekly news as well as in the article in the recent edition of Echo Ireland entitled "WRCs and the Radio Amateur" we drew you attention to a couple of other anniversaries relevant to amateur radio. While these anniversaries were of an international nature we cannot let our anniversary year go by without mentioning one more anniversary that is particular to Ireland.
On December the 28th 1937 the then Minister for Post and Telegraphs Oscar Traynor signed into law Statutory Rules and Orders No 330 of 1937 "The Wireless Telegraphy Experimenter's License Regulations". Although the Wireless Telegraphy Act was enacted 11 years previously in 1926, these regulations appear to be the first set of regulations enacted to cover transmission equipment. All previous sets of regulations appeared to relate to the radio receiving licenses.
Any experimenter who was licensed in the last century will no doubt remember these regulations as they had a longevity and were only replaced at the start of this century, in 2002, by the current regulations.
In the fast changing world of wireless communications it is unlikely that any other regulations will have the longevity that the 1937 regulations had and indeed as Comreg has proposed changing to a license for life approach, it is unlikely that the 2002 regulations will even have a lifespan of one-tenth that of the 1937 regulations.
It has been a year to remember, with not only our own 75th aniversary but also three other anniversaries that highlighted important and historic milestones, both nationally and internationally, in the development of amateur radio.
CQIR - Ireland Calling - Prize Draw Winners
In September 2007 the Irish Radio Transmitters Society organised "CQIR - Ireland Calling", a contest to celebrate the society's 75th anniversary - giving a chance of winning a trip to Ireland, for 2 people, for each and every 75 valid QSOs logged.
There were 53 entries in the draw, representing 20 countries - all the way from GW to ZL - and the winner is Ian "Wilf" Prater M0WLF of Bristol, England. He had over 300 QSOs and qualified for 4 entries.
Wilf is a member of the Bristol Contest Club, and has previously visited EI for the IOTA Contest. He can now look forward to a week in Kinnitty Castle, County Offaly. Living in Bristol, Wilf may be closer to Ireland than any other entrant, but he says he will probably travel long path this time.
EI/GI entrants had a separate draw for a trip to New York City for two people, to include a visit to the ARRL HQ in Newington, Connecticut.
The winner is Declan Horan EI9FVB of Ballincollig, County Cork. Declan had 175 QSOs and 2 entries in the draw.
IRTS thanks all who took part in CQIR. We're only sorry we can't offer the same prizes every year.
80 Metres Counties Contest
The IRTS 80 Metres Counties Contest takes place on New Year's Day, Tuesday the 1st of January 2008, from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC. Note the later start and finish times this year - the change has been made to facilitate more participation from overseas stations.
This is an SSB and CW contest, with sections for SSB only as well as SSB/CW mixed. There are also separate sections for portable stations, and an SWL section. The total score is calculated by multiplying the total number of points achieved by the number of EI or GI counties worked, so stations in the rarer counties should be in great demand. The full rules are on the IRTS web site.
This is a great opportunity to work those rare counties, and anyone who is working towards the special Jubilee Year WEIC Award should note that the 1st of January 2008 is the last day on which contacts can be made for this award.
Note again that the contest runs from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm, later start and finish times than in previous years.
Contests Email address
The email address for IRTS contests is now "contests2008 at irts dot ie". Note that the previous email address is no longer in use.
Theory Examination
The next theory examination for the experimenter licence will be held on Wednesday the 6th of February 2008 at 2 p.m. at the ComReg Offices in Dublin. A second centre outside Dublin could be utilised if warranted by the numbers wishing to sit the examination. The fee for the exam is 50 Euro or 25 Euro for repeat candidates, full time registered students, those who are retired, unemployed or have a disability. Anyone wishing to sit the examination should send the appropriate fee to Sean Nolan EI7CD, 12 Little Meadow, Pottery Road, Dunlaoghaire, Co Dublin. Cheques and money orders should be made payable to the Irish Radio Transmitters Society.
A contact phone number and an e-mail address if available should be included. Sean's address is available in the Call Book section of the IRTS website at and his e-mail address is “ei7cd at gofree dot indigo dot ie”. Also available in the Where do I Start? section of the website are Examination Notes with a sample examination paper as well as a link to the ComReg Experimenter Pages which contain some very useful information. The examination consists of a multiple choice question paper of 60 questions divided into three main sections A, B and C and the time allowed is two hours. The pass mark is 60% and a pass is required in each of the three main sections of the paper.
Coolmine Rally
The Phoenix Amateur Radio Club will run the Coolmine Radio Rally on Sunday the 10th of February 2008 at the Coolmine Community School, Clonsilla, Dublin 15. Doors open for traters at 9:00 a.m. and for the general public at 11:00 a.m. To book tables contact Tony on 087-2439997 or Tom on 086-3417017. The rally will feature a bring and buy sale and admission is 4 Euro.
Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club
The Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally will take place in The Share Centre, Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh on Sunday the 13th of April 2008. The rally will feature a Bring & Buy, Caravan Park and access from Lough Erne/Shannon Waterway. There will be food and parking is on site. Other facilities may be available by prior arrangement with The Share Centre.
New DXCC Entity
The Caribbean Island of Saint Barthelemy has become a separate DXCC entity, making it entity number 338. This island, prefix FJ, has up to now counted as FS (St. Martin) for DXCC purposes. However, following administrative changes signed into law by the French authorities in early 2007, Saint Bart's - as the island is generally called - has been designated a DXCC entity in its own right. A team from Finland has already been active on the island, and has, of course, attracted big pile-ups.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall, EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 087-6302026. Items for the radio news can also be faxed to 087 5 6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to “news at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Friday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.