Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday April 8th 2007
IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting
The Society’s 75th Annual General Meeting is to be held at the Vienna Woods Hotel in Cork on Sunday April 22nd. The weekend celebrations will follow the usual format with the 75th Jubilee Dinner being held on the Saturday night. Ticket prices have been maintained at last year’s level and are great value at only 30 Euro. Several high profile international guests will attend the dinner and AGM and included are Dave Sumner K1ZZ, Secretary of the International Amateur Radio Union and C.E.O. of the ARRL, the American National Society. Also joining us will be the Chairman of Region 1 IARU Ole Garpestad LA2RR and the Presidents of several other sister national societies in Region 1.
The Committee is obliged by rule to nominate members for the positions of President, Vice President and eleven committee positions. These nominations will be carried in the upcoming issue of Echo Ireland. This does not preclude other nominations for any of the positions and further nominations must be made to the Secretary within fourteen days of receiving the committee’s lists of nominations. Members should read rule 23 covering nominations for office.
The Society has several awards for honouring members who have excelled in some aspect of the hobby. Nominations for these awards are now being sought and should be forwarded to the Awards Manager, Peter Grant EI4HX. Members in possession of trophies since last years AGM are requested to arrange for their return to EI4HX or any committee member as soon as possible. The AGM rally will be held on Sunday April the 22nd at the Vienna Woods Hotel and requests for tables should be directed to Dave EI4BZ on 087-6290574. There will be no charge for tables, which will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
The date of the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Show has been changed to Sunday the 22nd of April at the Share Centre Lisnaskea Co. Fermanagh. The Bangor Rally will take place on the 17th of June and the Friedrichshafen Hamfest will take place over the weekend of the 22nd to the 24th of June.
West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club
The West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club will Be Holding a Meeting on the 26th of April at 8.00 p.m. in the Omagh Leisure Centre.
All amateur radio operators and Short Wave Listeners welcome to attend. It is intended to reform the club that had existed in the West Tyrone area for many years. Ultimately it is the intention to raise the profile of the hobby and provide a learning environment for existing Amateurs and those wishing to find out more about the hobby.
For more information, E-mail; “westtyrone_arc at”. Leave your details with Eddie GI7FHZ, Billy GI3NVW or Charlie GI6DCC
Theory Examination
The next Theory Examination for the Experimenters Licence will be held on Thursday the 28th of June next. Places for the examination are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. In order to reserve a place for the exam, intending candidates should forward the appropriate fee to Seán Nolan EI7CD, 12 Little Meadow, Pottery Road Dunlaoghaire, Co. Dublin. The fee is 50 Euro or 25 Euro for full time registered students, those who are retired, are unemployed or have a disability. In addition to the exam centre at the ComReg offices in Dublin, it has now been decided with the agreement of ComReg that an examination should be held on the same date and with the same paper at the Community Centre, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork. This is to facilitate those at present attending classes for the experimenter licence examination in Cork and Waterford."
The closing date for the examination is the 16th of June and it will be strictly adhered to. Sean EI7CD's address again is 12 Little Meadow, Pottery Road, Dunlaoghaire, Co. Dublin and it can be found in the call book section of the IRTS website at Sean's e-mail address for further enquiries is "ei7cd at gofree dot indigo dot ie".
International Marconi Day
The 28th of April is International Marconi Day and the Cornish Amateur Radio Club sponsors a radio event and presents awards for working the special event stations. All IMD special event stations have historic connections with Marconi. The Howth Martello Radio Group will be activating EI0MAR as a special event award station on the 28th.
In 1905 Marconi carried our wireless telegraphy reception experiments at the Martello Tower. The HMS Monarch steamed to various locations in the Irish Sea and sent test transmissions back to Howth. Various antennas and earthing methods were tried at the Martello Tower and comparisons made. The Howth Group is justifiably proud of its association with the tower, which now houses a vintage radio museum. The museum opens from 11 till 4 on weekends until the end of April and from May until October every day. The museum website is Visitors will be most welcome to visit and operate the station on International Marconi Day. EI0MAR is QRV most Sundays until 3 p.m. For more details you can email “ei0mar at”. Access to the tower is up a steep pathway opposite the Abbey Tavern.
Amateur Satellite Beginners article
The March 2007 issue of the RSGB magazine RadCom features an article entitled 'Getting Started on Amateur Radio Satellites' by John Heath G7HIA. It is an excellent introduction to the exciting world of Amateur Satellite Communications. The Radio Society of Great Britain and the author have generously agreed to allow AMSAT-UK to put the PDF of the article on the web and it can be seen at Click on "How Do I Start" on the left hand side of the home page then click on "Getting Started on Amateur Satellites (RSGB article)".
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall, EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 051-853806 or 087-6302026. Items for the radio news can also be faxed to 087 5 6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to “news at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Friday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.