Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday November 26th 2006
Richard Glynn EI5GC, Silent Key
We regret to inform you of the death in his native Galway of Richard Glynn EI5GC on Thursday morning last. Richard was well known as he served as a newsreader for many years. He was a prominent member of the Galway Radio Experiments Club and was very involved with the provision and maintenance of the Galway repeater. He was very active on HF, mainly on CW and was a regular voice on the Galway repeater.
We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife Marian, daughter Catherine and son Dave.
IRTS Jubilee
The special 75th jubilee commerative IRTS logos are available to members for use on their QSL cards, websites etc. Use of the logos will help promote the Society and the 75th year celebrations. The logos can be downloaded from the Society website Simply go to the Information section and click on 'Downloads".
Irish Hour
Last Sunday there was a mini Irish Hour on 15 metres (21.317 MHz at 17:00 UTC). There was an opening for a while and about seven stations checked in. W2MAT, W3KEN, W7DFO and VE3AO. Jim N7HKO (from Kilbeggan) has a tower up at his new QTH in Arizona and should be active soon. The group are looking out for more activity on 21.317 MHz at 17:00 UTC. So fire up those rigs and give a shout now that band conditions are improving.
KARG Trip to Met Observatory and Costal Radio Station
The Kerry Amateur Radio Group made a combined trip to the Valentia Observatory and the Valentia Coastal Radio Station on Saturday the 18th of November. Present on the day were Ron EI2JP, Trevor EI4DWB, Billy EI7CQB, Chris EI9CZB, John EI9ESB, Joe EI9HO, John EI9JO and SWL Caoimhe Hahn. The attendees had a very comprehensive and interesting tour under beautiful autumn skies of the entire Valentia Observatory and Museum, led by Michael Gill of Met Eireann. During the visit, the group had the opportunity to observe the preparation, launching, and subsequent real-time tracking of a weather balloon with radiosonde attached. After an excellent lunch at the Ring of Kerry Hotel in Cahirciveen, the group had an informative tour of the facilities at the Valentia Coastal Radio Station, including a live demonstration of NavTex in action.
The club's officers wish to thank Michael Gill of Met Eireann and Kenny, the Duty Officer of Valentia Coastal Radio Station for allowing the club access to their facilities and for giving such informative tours.
Based on the success of this day trip, the club is planning further day trips to places of interest to Radio Experimenters in the New Year.
Theory Examination
The next Theory Examination for the Experimenter's Licence will be held on Thursday the 18th of January 2007 at 2 p.m. in the offices of ComReg, Abbey Court, Irish Life Centre. Dublin.
Places for the examination are limited and some of these have already been allocated. Documentation about the examination will issue in the coming week to those who have already applied. In order to secure a place anyone wishing to sit the examination in January should contact Seán Nolan EI7Cd either at QTHR or by e-mail to "ei7cd at gofree dot indigo dot ie". Those studying for the examination may wish to obtain a copy of the CD Course Guide produced by the Society. These are available from Seán EI7CD at a cost of 5 Euro to cover registration postage and packaging.
Theory Classes
Theory classes are planned to commence in the Cork area in early January. Anyone interested should contact Dave Moore EI4BZ on 087-6290574 or any member of Cork Radio Club or the East Cork Radio Group.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
Plans are being made for a Christmas dinner, please contact John, EI7IG for details.
Limerick Radio Club
Limerick Radio Club would like to thank all who attended the club meetings during the year and to inform everyone that the next meeting will take place on Thursday the 7th of December 2006 (the first Thursday of the month). This will be an entertaining evening and will take the form of a team quiz. Liam EI4GB and Pat EI9GY will be the quiz masters. This quiz has proved to be very entertaining in previous years. Please make a special effort to attend and make it a memorable evening for all. Prizes will be presented to the first three teams.
The new Club Web Page is up and running and can be viewed at Suggestions, comments and additions to the web page are welcome and should be sent to “ei4lrc at eircom dot net”.
As part of the 60th anniversary celebrations the Club activated the special call-sign EI60LRC in the Bunratty Castle Folk Park, Co. Clare on Saturday the 18th of November 2006. The station operated from 10:00 to 16:00 hours and throughout the day was visited by many tourists who showed a great interest in amateur radio.
The Limerick Radio Club Committee would like to thank all those members who contributed and participated at club meetings and who attended club events during the year. The Chairman and committee would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
South Dublin Radio Club
This year’s South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party will take place on Tuesday the 12th of December. After last year’s success, the venue will remain the same; "The Morgue", Tempelogue from 8.00 p.m. until late.
Members of other clubs and visitors are very welcome to this social event. It’s always a great turnout. Limited free food will be available for paid up members while visitors can choose from the bar menu up to 9.00 p.m.
Changes to Amateur Rules in the United States
The long-awaited changes to the amateur rules are set to take effect at 12:01 AM EST on December the 15th. The so-called "Omnibus" Amateur Radio proceeding, WT Docket 04-140, includes a significant expansion of the 75 metre phone band and a variety of other changes. The highlights are:
For Amateur Extra class licensees, the 75-metre phone band will start at 3600 kHz, while Advanced class licensees start at 3700 kHz and Generals at 3800 kHz. The high end of the CW/RTTY/Digital band is now 3600 kHz (although CW is allowed on the entire band).
On 40 metres, Amateur Extra and Advanced licensees will be able to operate phone beginning at 7125 kHz, while Generals start at 7175 kHz. The top end of the CW/RTTY/Digital band will be 7125 kHz (although CW is allowed on the entire band).
There are no changes to the 20 metre band.
On 15 metres, the General class phone band now starts at 21275 kHz.
On 10 metres, Novice and Technician Plus licensees can now operate CW/RTTY/Digital from 28000 kHz to 28300 kHz.
In addition, Novices and Tech Plus licensees can use CW only on the same frequencies as General and Advanced licensees on the 80, 40 and 15 metre bands: 3525 kHz-3600 kHz; 7025 kHz-7125 kHz and 21025 kHz-21200 kHz.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall, EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 051-853806 or 087-6302026. Items for the radio news can also be faxed to 087 5 6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to “news at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Friday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sundays bulletin.