Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 29th 2006
Mayo Rally
The Mayo Rally will take place on Sunday the 26th of November 11:00 a.m. in the Belmont Hotel, Knock. Special rates are available for those wishing to stay overnight. Bed and Breakfast is 50 Euro per person sharing or 70 Euro with evening meal.
For bookings, contact the Belmont Hotel directly on 094-9388122. For enquiries about the Mayo rally, contact the rally organiser: Padaric Baynes EI9JA on 087-6957154 or email “pbaynes1 at eircom dot net”.
Limerick Radio Club
Limerick Radio Club would like to apologise for the unavailability of their web site over the last few months. The club is pleased to announce that their web pages are back to normal service and can be viewed at
Theory Examination
The next Theory Examination for the experimenter's licence will be held on Thursday the 18th of January 2007 at 2 p.m. in the ComReg Offices, Irish Life Centre, Dublin. Anyone wishing to sit the examination should contact Seán Nolan EI7CD at QTHR or by e-mail to “ei7cd at gofree dot indigo dot ie”. Those studying for the examination may wish to secure a copy of the CD Course Guide prepared by the Society. These are available from Seán EI7CD at a cost of 5 Euro to cover production costs post, packaging and registration.
Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge
The Shannon Basin Radio club is again running its annual one-day Open, Fixed, Challenge for EI residents. This challenge is open to all licensed operators and short wave listeners, and will be held on the 5th of November 2006 from 14:00 to 18:00 hours. The purpose of the challenge is to encourage radio operators and short wave listeners to be active on the H.F bands.
The challenge will have three modes of operation, and the winner in each mode will be awarded with the following; The Lough Allen Shield will be awarded to the highest score in SSB. The Lough Ree Shield will be awarded to the highest score in CW (A1A) and the Lough Derg Shield will be awarded to the highest score for SWL. The above winners will also receive a personal trophy.
To receive a copy of the rules for the above challenge, please send a stamped address envelope to the contest manager EI6HW, Noel Mulvihill, Hillquarter, Coosan, Athlone, Co Westmeath or e-mail “nfmulvihill at eircom dot net”.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
A committee meeting of South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place on Wednesday the 1st of November at 8.00 p.m. in the Roanmore Centre. Committee members are asked to attend.
Theory Classes
Please note that there will be no theory class in Waterford on Tuesday the 31st of October (Holloween night). Classes will resume as normal the following Tuesday the 7th of November.
Theory Classes started Tuesday nights 7.30 p.m. in Garbally Collage, Ballinasloe. Interested parties should contact EI6HW on 0906474726 or email “nfmulvihill at eircom dot net”.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The 2006 Annual General Meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held in the Raheen House Hotel,, Raheen Road Clonmel on Thursday next the 2nd of November at 8 p.m., the group would like to see as many members as possible turning out to discuss the various topics on the agenda.
Jamboree On The Air
Scouting Ireland wishes to express its thanks to Amateur Radio Experimenters for their assistance in running JOTA Stations last weekend and in particular, the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group for the use of the IRLP node attached to its repeater network together with all Experimenters for their patience in allowing Scouts to use the repeater network.
Scouting Ireland had a total of 8 JOTA stations this year. According to preliminary reports, contact was made with Scouts throughout Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. The best contact heard on the bands was a four way QSO between the JOTA stations in Larch Hill, Mount Melleray and Clontarf on Saturday with a Scout Group near Perth in Australia with the aid of IRLP. This QSO lasted two hours and Scouts from Clontarf also contacted this Australian Group again on Sunday where they spoke with each other for another 45 minutes.
Besides communicating on the airwaves, other JOTA activities included electronic kit building projects.
Scouting Ireland's JOTA stations, this year, were – EI1SI - 2nd Kerry Sea Scouts operating from Fenit, EI3SI - operating from Larch Hill, Dublin, EI4SI – 132nd Bayside Scouts Radio Group operating from the Martello Tower, Howth, EI5SI - operating from the Scout Centre in Mount Melleray, EI9SI - 66th Dublin operating, with the assistance of North Dublin Radio Club, from the Scout Den in Clontarf, EI4WSG - 4th Wicklow operating from Wicklow, EI6BKB –17th Dublin operating from Dalkey and MN0AKU - 4th Tyrone operating, with the assistance of the Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club, from Bready, Strabane.
Groups that participated in JOTA are reminded that reports should be submitted by the 30th of November. The report form can be downloaded from the Scouting Ireland Radio Scouting webpage at Reports received from Groups will be used in compiling the National Report, which will be sent to the World Scout Bureau in Geneva.
Further information about Radio Scouting including training material can be obtained from the Scouting Ireland JOTA Team by emailing “jota at scouts dot ie” or by visiting the Scouting Ireland Radio Scouting webpage.
Contest Results
The winners of the VHF/UHF Field Day were EI4GRC/P.
The winners of the Autumn 2 metres Counties Contest were EI2JD in the High Power Fixed section, EI3ENB in the Low Power Fixed section, EI7GY/P in the Low Power Portable section and and MN0LBA/P is also eligible for an award as the leading station from outside EI. The High Power Portable section was won by EI2SBC/P (operators were EI6IB and EI8IU). The FM only section was won by EI4HX/P.
After a very close contest the winners of the SSB Field Day were EI3Z/P, (operators were EI9HX, EI8IU, EI6HW, EI6IB, EI3HA).
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the stations who took part. Remember, please send in logs no matter how low the score might be. The complete set of results are available on the IRTS web-site.
IOTA Results
Provisional results for the 2006 Islands On The Air contest have now been published. The IOTA contest is one of the largest international contests held every year. This year, there were almost 1,400 logs submitted, and 151 different IOTA References were activated. The logs submitted included 14 from EI and EJ stations. Scores for the EI and EJ stations are included in the September-October edition of Echo Ireland and are also available on the Contest Results page of the IRTS web site, The web page also includes a link to the full IOTA contest provisional results.
Special Event
The South African special event station ZS90DW will be on air from 2 p.m. UTC most afternoons during October and first two weeks of November on 15 meters on 21.291 MHz or the nearest open frequency 21.290 or 21.292 MHz. The station will be operational until the end of 2006 and will operate on 15 metres until 5 p.m. UTC each day. The station will also be on in December from 3 p.m. UTC on 21.2919 MHz. 15 metres seems to be open at the moment from South Africa.
The station is there to remember South Africa forces that Helped the Allied forces in the first World War at the battle of Delvillewood. The station will operate on Mondays to Thursdays and sometimes on weekends on 15 metres. ZS6DJD will operate the station on 15 metres from his home 45 kilometres south of Johannesburg. ZS4SM will operate the station on 20 metres on most days at 5 p.m. UTC. The group will also be part of the world amateur day on the 29th of December with many operators on different frequencies.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall, EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 051-853806 or 087-6302026. Items for the radio news can also be faxed to 087 5 6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to “news at irts dot ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Friday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sundays bulletin.