Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 23rd 2005
Dermot Cowley (EI2AK) - Silent Key
It is with regret that we inform you of the death of Dermot Cowley - EI2AK of Monasterboice, Co. Louth. Dermot had been ill for some time and died peacefully at his home on Wednesday last. Dermot was technically well qualified and was very well known in VHF/UHF circles as his main interest was in that part of the spectrum. He maintained an active interest in amateur radio right up to his death. Dermot will be sadly missed by his many friends in Amateur Radio, both in the Daundalk club and the ATV and Microwave fraternity. To his wife Ann and to his family we extend our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace.
Radio Theory Examination
The first examination under the multiple-choice format has now been confirmed for the 18th of January 2006. This examination will be conducted by the IRTS and will be held in the offices of ComReg in Dublin 1. Details of the examination together with a sample paper are now available on the IRTS website at Hard copy of the material may also be obtained from Sean Donelan EI4GK at QTHR.
Intending candidates for the January sitting of the Theory Examination should register their interest with Derek O'Reilly at ComReg, Abbey Court, Irish Life Centre, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, telephone 01 8049769 or by email to "Derek dot oreilly at".
Jamboree On The Air
Groups who participated in JOTA are asked to submit reports to Sean O'Suilleabhain EI3IP, National JOTA Organiser at Scouting Ireland, Larch Hill, Dublin 16 or by E-mail to "jota at scouts dot ie". The report form is downloadable from the Scouting Ireland Radio Scouting Web page at All reports received will be used in compiling the National Report for the WOSM in Geneva. Reports should if possible include photographs and press cuttings.
Limerick Radio Club
The next club meeting of the Limerick Radio Club will be held on Thursday the 10th of November in the Limerick Institute of Technology at 19:30 hrs. A practical demonstration on Audio DSP (digital signal processing) using the clubs Icom 756 Pro and a laptop will take place. All are welcome. The Limerick Radio Clubs 70-centimetre repeater is presently on a temporary site while some modifications are carried out. It should be back on its high site before the end of November.
Mayo Radio Experimenters Network
The following officers were elected at the 2005 AGM of the Mayo Radio Experimenters Network. Chairperson is Jimmy Kelly EI2GCB, Secretary is John Corless EI7IQ and Treasurer is John McAndrew EI3JM. PRO and Club Newsletter Editor is Brendan Minish EI6IZ. Rally Director is Padraic Baynes EI9JA.
Mayo Rally
The Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Rally will be held on Sunday November the 20th at the usual venue, the Belmont Hotel, Knock. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. Bookings for accommodation should be made directly with the hotel. The rate is 50 Euro per person with a special all-in rate of 70 Euro for Bed & Breakfast and evening meal. Traders or clubs wishing to book exhibition space at the Mayo Rally are asked to contact Padraic Baynes EI9JA on 087 6957154 evenings only or by e-mail to "ei9ja at eircom dot net".
Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge
The Shannon Basin Radio club is running its annual one-day Open, Fixed, Challenge for EI residents. This challenge is open to all licensed operators and short wave listeners, and will be held on the 6th of November 2005 from 14:00 to 18:00 hours.
The purpose of the challenge is to encourage operators and short wave listeners to be active on the H.F bands. The challenge will have three modes of operation, and the winner in each mode will be awarded with the following;
The Lough Allen Shield will be awarded to the highest score in SSB. The Lough Ree Shield will be awarded to the highest score in CW (A1A mode). The Lough Derg Shield will be awarded to the highest score for Short Wave Listeners. The winners will also receive a personal trophy.
To receive a copy of the rules for the challenge, please send a stamped address envelope to the contest manager EI6HW, Noel Mulvihill, Hillquarter, Coosan, Athlone, Co. Westmeath or e-mail "nfmulvihill at eircom dot net".
Important; Persons intending to compete must send notification prior to the contest date, so good luck and 73's to all from the Shannon Basin Radio Club.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
EI6SI was QRV for the 48th International Jamboree On The Air from the 1st Port of Waterford Sea Scouts in Waterford City on Saturday the 15th of October last. This was again a successful event and Scouts made use of 2 metres, HF and APRS. John (EI7IG) also gave a demonstration of Satellite Operation. SEARG extends its thanks to Nicky (EI3JB), John (EI7IG), Gareth (EI7FZB) and John (EI8JA) for their hard work and participation in making the event a success and would also like to thank the 1st Port of Waterford Sea Scouts for their help and assistance.
The Waterford Rally took place in the McEniff Ard Ri on Sunday the 16th of October last. This was even more successful than the previous year's event. Many thanks to the traders, IRTS, AREN and of course all the Experimenters who came along on the day to support the event. The club would like to extend special Thanks to Michael Hoban (EI5DCB) for organising and co-ordinating the rally.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall, EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 051 853806 or 087 6302026. Items for the radio news can also be faxed to 087 5 6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to "news at irts dot ie" for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Fridays.