Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 9th 2005
Jamboree On The Air 2005
The 48th JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) will take place next weekend. Each year over 500,000 Scouts and Guides from all over the world participate in this event where Scouting experiences are shared and ideas exchanged thus contributing to the world brotherhood of Scouting. While the event lasts from midnight local time Friday night to midnight Sunday night, Stations participating can choose their own operating hours.
Stations on air for JOTA next weekend will be; EI1SI - 2nd Kerry Sea Scouts operating from Fenit, EI3SI - operating from Larch Hill Scout Campsite in Dublin, EI4SI - 132nd Dublin, Bayside operating from the Howth Martello Tower, EI5SI - operating from Mount Melleray Scout Centre in County Waterford, EI6SI - Waterford Scout County operating from the den of 1st Port of Waterford Sea Scouts in Waterford City, EI7SI - 1st Meath operating from Dunboyne EI8SI - 1st/7th Limerick operating from Limerick City.
Groups participating in JOTA are asked to submit reports to Sean O'Suilleabhain EI3IP, National JOTA Organiser at Scouting Ireland, Larch Hill, Dublin 16 or by Email to jota at scouts dot ie. The report form is downloadable from the Scouting Ireland Radio Scouting Web page at All reports received will be used in compiling the National Report for the WOSM in Geneva. Reports should if possible include photgraphs and press cuttings.
The AO-51 command team is scheduling the satellite for exclusive use by the Scouts, and Satellite operators communicating with the Scouts, for this weekend. Please allow the Scouts the opportunity to make as many contacts as possible via AO-51 during this short time period. Base stations, please remember that most of the JOTA stations will be portable, so please use minimum power.
For the JOTA weekend, AO-51 will be configured in the Dual FM repeater mode. This will provide two independent FM repeaters (separate uplink and downlink frequencies) for use over the weekend. Both repeaters will be for use by the JOTA activity. This mode will run Monday through Friday before the event to allow amateur satellite stations to familiarize and test this mode. The configuration of the satellite frequencies for this mode is are; AO-51 FM repeater #1, Downlink: 435.300 MHz, Uplink: 145.920 MHz with 67hz PL Tone. AO-51 FM repeater #2, Downlink: 435.150 MHz, Uplink: 145.880 MHz with NO PL Tone.
Worked All Ireland
Attention all mobiles and portable stations. The Worked all Ireland net needs mobiles and portable stations to activate areas on 80 meters frequency 3.680 MHz. Please contact Noel if you are able to provide areas so that he can notify interested people to DAY, DATE and TIME. Noels e-mail is nfmulvihill at eircom dot net.
Extension to the Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition at the ILAC Central Library in Dublin Due to popular demand, the ILAC Adult Learning Centre have allowed a one-month extension to the Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition, so it will remain on view until the last Saturday in October 2005. All items are supplied by Liam EI9DVB.
Waterford Rally
The Waterford Rally will take place on Sunday the 16th of October 2005 in the McEniff, Ard Ri Hotel, Waterford. Traders confirmed to date are; Long Communications, South East Communications and Tetra Communications from the UK. The IRTS bookstand will be present and a strong feature will be the Bring and Buy aspect of the rally. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. and admission is 5 Euro. Call-in for directions and information will be available on 145.500 MHz and there is a map available at
There is no admission charge for children (accompanied by an adult). Special room rates are available for those attending the rally. For information or to reserve exhibition space contact the rally organiser, Michael Hoban, EI5DCB on 051-873310. Information regarding room rates is available on the groups web site.
Mayo Rally
The Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Rally will be held on Sunday November the 20th at the usual venue, the Belmont Hotel, Knock. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. Bookings for accommodation should be made directly with the hotel. The rate is 50 Euro per person with a special all-in rate of 70 Euro for Bed & Breakfast and evening meal. Traders should contact Padraic Baynes EI9JA for exhibition space.
Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge
The Shannon Basin Radio club is again running its annual one-day Open, Fixed, Challenge for EI residents. This challenge is open to all licensed operators and short wave listeners, and will be held on the 6th of November 2005 from 14:00 to 18:00 hours.
The purpose of the challenge is to encourage radio operators and short wave listeners to be active on the H.F bands. The challenge will have three modes of operation, and the winner in each mode will be awarded with the following;
The Lough Allen Shield will be awarded to the highest score in SSB. The Lough Ree Shield will be awarded to the highest score in CW (A1A). The Lough Derg Shield will be awarded to the highest score for Short Wave Listeners.
The above winners will also receive a personal trophy.
To receive a copy of the rules for the above challenge, please send a stamped address envelope to the contest manager EI6HW, Noel Mulvihill, Hillquarter, Coosan, Athlone, Co. Westmeath or e-mail nfmulvihill at eircom dot net.
Important; Persons intending to compete must send notification prior to the contest date, so good luck and 73's to all from the Shannon Basin Radio Club.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
Note to members. If your e-mail address, phone number or any of your contact details have changed in recent times, please drop a line to "info at searg dot com" so that the club can update your contact details and ensure that your e-mail address is on the groups mailing list.
Richard Ebbs EI2ID
Richard Ebbs EI2ID who lived in Dungourney, Co.Cork has moved back to the UK after a number of years in EI. Richard has an interest in all things VHF and is a competent radio operator who has many friends in the Cork area. Richards U.K. call is G0MIE, it was not possible for him to keep his EI call as is not now resident here. We wish Richard and his wife all the best for the future in the U.K.
SSETI Express
Thursday the 27th of October has been agreed as a new launch date for the SSETI Express satellite with the 28th as a back-up date. The launch time is still expected to remain at 06:52 UTC.
It is planned that SSETI Express will downlink telemetry in AX25 format at 9k6 on 437.250 MHz and at 38k4 on 2401.835 MHz. It should also be available for Radio Amateurs to use as a single channel FM transponder.
The SSETI Express Handbook can be downloaded from and more information can be had from the SSETI web site at
Streaming video of the launch will be available at This feed is currently showing a test card.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall, EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 051 853806 or 087 6302026. Items for the radio news can also be faxed to 087 5 6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to "news at irts dot ie" for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Fridays.