Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday June 12th 2005
Theory Examination
Recently, the IRTS signed a formal Agreement with ComReg to take over the running and administration of the Radio Theory Test for an initial period of three years. This Agreement has been in negotiation for many.
The IRTS have agreed to run a minimum of one examination per year, which will be based on the international HAREC standard. If sufficient candidates are forthcoming in any year, ComReg will sanction further exams in that year. As a goodwill gesture ComReg will make a Conference Room in their offices available on two days per year to accommodate exams. The exam tentatively arranged for the 16th of June will now take place on that date in the ComReg offices. Letters have already been sent to those whose names are on the ComReg list advising them of the exam details.
The 16th of June exam will be the last exam in EI having the traditional essay type format. All future exams will be based on the multiple-choice format and a bank of questions for use in future exams has already been agreed with ComReg.
Sporadic E
There has already been sporadic E openings on a number of days so far this summer on 144 MHz, some of these were very extensive, this is most unusual, last year was poor in comparison with just 3 openings noticed in July, many EI's have been active working all over Europe from Spain to Sweeden, warning signs for an Es opening are short skip to UK on 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres and broadcast radio open to Europe up to 108 MHz. Vertical aerials are reasonably successful in working 2 meter sporadic E and the FM section of the band is often full of activity.
There has also been a number of good openings on 6 metres recently.
Squares Table 2005
Inputs for the 2005 Squares Table is slow so far this year as 6 meter DX conditions are very poor compared to previous years. Anyone working DX on any of the VHF/UHF bands please forward their totals for inclusion on this table. The table will be published in Echo Ireland, scores will be updated on EI7GL's web page as they come to hand. Thanks to John for including the table on his homepage over the years.
Cork Repeater Group
The Cork Repeater Group is at present in the process of upgrading both the 2 metre and 70 centimetre repeaters, and wishes to apologise for the interruption of service, it is hoped to have both back in full service soon.
APRS Experiments
If anyone is interested in participating in ongoing APRS experiments in the South East, please set your UI PATH to WIDE2-2, this would include anyone in the coverage area of the Mt. Leinster Voice repeater and the repeater in Waterford City. All experiments are conducted on 144.800 MHz. Contact John EI7IG for more information.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The Waterford Rally will take place on the 16th of October 2005 in the McEniff, Ard Ri Hotel, Waterford. Special room rates are available for those attending the rally. Bed and Breakfast for 2 nights plus one dinner is 89 Euro per person sharing. Bed and Breakfast for one night plus 1 dinner is 55 Euro per person sharing. 19 Euro for single supplement.
Museums Weekend
The International Museums Weekend in the UK will take place over the weekend of the 18th and 19th of June. Those intending to participate are requested to register via the IMW website.
Space News
A launch date for SSETI Express and three cubesats has now been confirmed as the 25th of August, with the 26th as a back-up window. The satellite has now completed pre-launch tests. The satellite is expected to be ready for despatch to the launch site during the last week of this month. SSETI Express will automatically downlink general telemetry at 9K6 on 70 centimetres and it will also be possible for amateurs to request specific downloads. It is planned that a 2.4GHz transponder will also be available for voice operation after initial tests have been completed. AMSAT-UK will provide a presentation on the project at the AMSAT-UK Space Colloquium from the 29th to 31st of July at the University of Surrey in Guildford. All radio amateurs and short wave listeners are welcome to attend.
Rockall Island
MM0CWJ and MM0ALM will make up the two-man amateur radio side of an expedition to Rockall Island around June 14th until about June 21st.
Very few have landed on the rock, although many have attempted to do so. Ex-SAS man and Atlantic oarsman Tom Maclean did so in reportedly excellent WX conditions. Greenpeace also occupied the rock a few years ago, again in near perfect WX. But if Seamus and David make it, this will be an incredible "first" not just for IOTA, but for amateur radio in general. Note that Rockall is beyond the range of "search and rescue" helicopters. The Rockall Island web-site can be found at This is the official web site for the amateur radio side of the expedition.
Radio News Input
We're at that time of year again when input for the radio news typically dries up. This is largely due to the fact that most experimenters are away on holiday or involved in sporting activities and many clubs lessen their activity around this time. We would appeal to you to submit any items of interest, be it relevant to your club or you as an individual to news at IRTS dot IE. Reports on band conditions would also be welcome.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark EI7IS at QTHR or by phone to 087-6302026. News should be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Fridays.