Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday February 13th 2005
IRTS Meeting
The next meeting of the IRTS committee will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday February the 26th at the Montague Hotel in Portlaoise.
Kerry Amateur Radio Group
Details of further activations are posted on the news section of the group's web site at
South Dublin Radio Club
A new date has been set for the Annual General Meeting of South Dublin Radio Club. The AGM will now take place on Tuesday the 8th of March at the club QTH, at 8.00 pm. Please note the change from the previously announced date.
The SDR Spring Challenge is underway this month, and finishes on 28th of February. To enable the winners to be announced and the prizes presented at the IRTS AGM on 13th March, logs should be submitted to the club to arrive no later than Tuesday 8th March. Paper logs may be sent to or given to Jim Holohan EI4HH, the club chairman, or sent by email to Jim at his email address.
Cork Radio Club
At a recent club night Finbarr EI1CS gave a talk and demo of a PAC12 portable antenna, which is ideal for portable use covering all HF bands from 80m to 10m. It comes in a kit form and is very easy to put together.
The club had four new members came to join the club. They are anxious to get into the hobby and the club hopes that the exam situations will be sorted out soon.
Look out for the special call sign EI05CCC which is now on the air to celebrate Cork City being European Capital of Culture for 2005. To commemorate the event Cork Radio Club and the East Cork Group have come together with a special award for working this call and either EI5CRC, EI1C or EI7M. Further details are GEARS quiz This years GEARS annual quiz night will be held on Friday the 25th of February, at the Knockagh Lodge in Greenisland, Belfast, at 20:00 hours. Further details regarding the clubs location are available at the club website at
As usual, the group are looking forward to as many teams/entrants as possible, and of course, all are welcome to come along for what has always been a good night's craic.
Emergency Communications
The AREN training net continues for 2005 and the next event will take place on February 19th, commencing at 0930 hours, and it will deal with Operating Procedures, Procedure Words, Phonetic Alphabet, Common Abbreviations and Common Phrases.
The primary frequency is 7.099 MHz and the secondary frequency is 3.690 MHz. This is a members only net, however non-member traffic will be taken towards the end of the event when the training session has been completed. If you have an interest in Emergency Communications please listen to the net and you are very welcome to call when invited to do so by the NCS.
Enquires about IRTS Emergency Communications are always welcome and should be directed to the Emergency Communication Coordinator John Ketch EI2GN, on 086-2593005 or via e-mail to ei2gn at ketch dot ie.
IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally
"The Limerick Radio Club are proud to be hosting the IRTS AGM and Dinner this year in association with their annual rally. The events are to be held in the newly refurbished Greenhills Hotel, Limerick, over the weekend of 12/13th March. This year is shaping up to be the best yet with even more new traders attending.
Bring and Buy will also strongly feature please if you have anything you want to dispose of, this is the time to do it..
As per usual a very strong contingent of local suppliers will be there namely, Back from the Future (Dublin), Cellcom (Galway), Long Communications (Donegal), Sean Martin (Elphin) and not forgetting Southeast Communications from Waterford. From the UK this year, for the first time is BHI Ltd (who specialise in DSP noise reduction products), Icom UK, Linear Amplifier UK and Yaesu UK.
There maybe facilities for the professional wiring and fitting of mobile radios and aerials to vechicals on the day, this is looking very promising but has yet to be CONFIRMED..
The club are hoping to have a Packet and ATV demo running on the day as well as a fully operational VHF/HF station for visitors use.... Anybody looking for tables on the day please contact Paul EI6FE on 061 360122 or Due the ever increase in costs the club have had to increase the cover charge by 1 euro to 6 euro. They very much regret this increase.
The IRTS Pre AGM dinner will be held on Saturday night 12th at 2000Hrs sharp. Tickets cost 30.00 euro and please let Paul know of your intention to attend. The club need an indication of numbers for the hotel. The menu will be available on our web site soon and the club had to battle hard with the hotel to keep the cost of the meal down to a acceptable level. There are a number of rooms booked in the hotel under the name of LRC, please book early as the hotel is FULL and rooms are limited..Costs are 100 per couple abd 70 single both B&B basis There are a number of confirmed raffle prizes and these are as follows.
From BHI ltd an NES10-2 plus 1042 Switch Box , Icom UK are donating an ICR5 Reciever and Yaesu have given an FT 817. There may well be other items on offer during the Pre AGM dinner. You will have to come and see...
Any enquiries or questions please do not hesitate and contact Paul EI6FE. The Limerick Radio Club are looking forward to meeting with all their friends old and new from around the country ...see you there".
Winners of Trophies at the 2004 AGM in Limerick are reminded that in order to allow time for any minor repairs and missed engraving over the years due to late returns, trophies are now overdue for return to the awards committee. Also, Societies Clubs and individual members are reminded that Nominations are required for the non-contest trophies of which there are four.
For those involved in construction, there are two coveted awards available. See the 2003 Year Book for more information. Applications and nominations can be made to Peter Grant EI4HX, Chair, Awards Committee. Trophy returns also to EI4HX at QTHR or any member of the IRTS Committee.
EI7IQ National 6 & 4 Metre Shields
A reminder to six and four meter operators that the closing date for receipt of entries for the EI7IQ Six and Four metre shields is Tuesday the 1st of February 2005. Logs should be emailed to contests at irts dot ie. Logs should show only unique QSO's, DXCC entities and grid squares. Electronic logs are preferred but paper logs may be sent to EI2JC at QTHR.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The Annual General Meeting of South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place on Wednesday, February the 23rd in the Roanmore Social and Sports Club, Cleaboy Road, Waterford. The meeting will commence at 8.00 p.m. but those attending are asked to be seated by 7.45 p.m.
Visitors are welcome to attend.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark EI7IS. News should be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Fridays.