Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday February 6th 2005
IRTS Meeting
The next meeting of the IRTS committee will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday February the 26th at the Montague Hotel in Portlaoise.
Kerry Amateur Radio Group
The club's second field day was held on Saturday, the 15th of January adjacent to the RTE radio transmitter site on Knockanore Mountain near Ballybunion, Co. Kerry. It was the first field day using the club's new call sign EI1KARG. This was also the first time that two KARG members operated portable for the AREN training exercise, which was also held on the day.
After the exercise, Declan, EI9FVB and Donie, EI8CS commenced operations on 7.068 MHz, and, over the next 2 1/2 hours, made many contacts with stations in Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales. Once again the day's success could be attributed to the deployment of a simple, but effective, NVIS antenna. They then moved on to 15 metres where a dozen or so contacts were made using a simple mobile whip. The day was rounded out by making several simplex and repeater QSOs on 2 metres and 70 cm.
Meanwhile, Ron, EI2JP operated the second HF station on 20 and 17 metres where a number of contacts were made using 50 watts and his now famous "portatenna". Countries worked included Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, and the US. Some confusion was caused by the unique four-letter suffix call sign. Many stations had suspicions that this was a bootleg operation!!
The Kerry Amateur Radio Group will hold their February field day on Saturday, February the 12th at a location in Kilcummin (near Killarney), Co. Kerry. At least two HF stations will be QRV from 0930 Z on all bands from 80 through 10 metres and also 6 & 2 metres. Talk in is on 145.450 MHz (S18). As the site is difficult to find, intending participants unfamiliar with the area are asked to meet at the Lidl car park (Tralee roundabout) at 0800 on the day.
For the square hunters the WAI Grid Square is W09. Stations requiring confirmation should send their cards to the group's QSL manager, Declan, EI9FVB whose details can be found on the club's web site or from As always, stations interested in particular grid squares in Kerry are asked to email their needs to clubinfo at kerry dot com, where it is hoped that more squares can be activated over the coming months.
Details of further activations are posted on the news section of the group's web site
South Dublin Radio Club
A new date has been set for the Annual General Meeting of South Dublin Radio Club. The AGM will now take place on Tuesday 8th March at the club QTH, at 8.00 pm. Please note the change from the previously announced date.
The International Space Station's amateur radio equipment was scheduled to temporarily change frequency to 145.825 MHz simplex on February 2nd. The change occured after the 12:54 UTC school contact with the Air Training Corps in Norfolk, England. This brief change will allow operators to take advantage of the recent return of PCSAT to operational status and the orbital dynamics between the two satellites being optimal for numerous relay opportunities. It will also be a chance to test the ability of the Kenwood to interact with another satellite digital system since the previous joint test utilized the Phase 1 Ericsson radio. Several long mutual passes are expected during this brief operation between the two satellites.
As a reminder, Bob Bruninga has stipulated NO unattended operations to minimize impact to the power budget on PCSAT and recommends the following path for attempting double hops. UNPROTO CQ VIA WIDE,WIDE. More info about PCSAT is available at pcsat.
The chance to try and digipeat through both systems is scheduled to conclude on February the 10th when ISS is scheduled to make the next school contact. After that contact, the radio will return to the default packet operating frequency of 145.99 up and 145.80 down.
Please do not send packets too often and for newcommers NEVER ATTEMPT ANY KIND of connection. Both spacecraft will digipeat UI packets with the digipeater path of WIDE. See the downlink via K4HG's web page on: After the 5th of February, all it takes is ONE OVERLOAD in the evening and it will Kill PCsat in which case it probably wont be gotten back until next winter! So PLEASE do not overload her, and NO OPERAITONS AFTER DARK.
Emergency Communications
The AREN training net continues for 2005 and the next event will take place on February 19th, commencing at 0930 hours. The primary frequency is 7.099 MHz and the secondary frequency is 3.690 MHz. This is a members only net, however non-member traffic will be taken towards the end of the event when the training session has been completed. If you have an interest in Emergency Communications please listen to the net and you are very welcome to call when invited to do so by the NCS.
Enquires about IRTS Emergency Communications are always welcome and should be directed to the Emergency Communication Coordinator John Ketch EI2GN, on 086-2593005 or via e-mail to ei2gn at ketch dot ie.
IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally
This years Trade Fair will take place on Sunday the 13th of March and is shaping up to be LRC's best yet. The events are located at the Green Hills Hotel Ennis Road, Limerick.
The IRTS AGM will follow the Trade Fair. The IRTS Dinner will be held Saturday the 12th of March at the same location. Yaesu UK, Linear Amp UK, Icom, Long Communications, South East Communications and Celcom Ireland will be exhibiting at the rally.
Entry costs 6 Euro. For up-to-date information visit the Limerick Radio Club web site on
Winners of Trophies at the 2004 AGM in Limerick are reminded that in order to allow time for any minor repairs and missed engraving over the years due to late returns, trophies are now overdue for return to the awards committee. Also, Societies Clubs and individual members are reminded that Nominations are required for the non-contest trophies of which there are four.
For those involved in construction, there are two coveted awards available. See the 2003 Year Book for more information. Applications and nominations can be made to Peter Grant EI4HX, Chair, Awards Committee. Trophy returns also to EI4HX at QTHR or any member of the IRTS Committee.
EI7IQ National 6 & 4 Metre Shields
A reminder to six and four meter operators that the closing date for receipt of entries for the EI7IQ Six and Four metre shields is Tuesday the 1st of February 2005. Logs should be emailed to contests at irts dot ie. Logs should show only unique QSO's, DXCC entities and grid squares. Electronic logs are preferred but paper logs may be sent to EI2JC at QTHR.
GEARS quiz
This years GEARS annual quiz night will be held on Friday the 25th of February, at the Knockagh Lodge in Greenisland, Belfast, at 20:00 hours. Further details regarding the clubs location are available at the club website at
As usual, the group are looking forward to as many teams/entrants as possible, and of course, all are welcome to come along for what has always been a good night's craic.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The Annual General Meeting of South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place on Wednesday, February the 23rd in the Roanmore Social and Sports Club, Cleaboy Road, Waterford. The meeting will commence at 8.00 p.m. but those attending are asked to be seated by 7.45 p.m.
Visitors are welcome to attend.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark EI7IS. News should be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Fridays.