Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday January 16th 2005
Emergency Communications Frequencies in Asia
It is important to keep clear of frequencies being used for emergency and health & welfare communications. At present, these are: VU4NRO at Port Blair, Andaman Islands on 14190 kHz. VU4 Emergency Net, Andaman & Nicobar Islands on 14193 and 14160 kHz. 4S7SW in Mathara, Sri Lanka on 14195 and 21295 kHz. South India on 7050 kHz. Indonesia on 7055 kHz and Thailand on 7075 kHz. 4S7, VU2 & 9M2 stations are also heard on 7075 kHz.
Earthquake news from Thailand is available on Echolink node 46601 HS1WFK-1 24 hours a day. Audio off Echolink is available at, allowing anyone with a web browser to listen in to the emergency communications traffic on Shoutcast using Winamp.
In order to lend any assistance possible to the disaster area, AMSAT AO-51 has been reconfigured as a store-and-forward PBBS message satellite for those in the disaster area. The normal schedule for AO-51 has been cancelled and the planned mode change to the FM repeater in high power will not occur.
Winners of Trophies at the 2004 AGM in Limerick are reminded that in order to allow time for any minor repairs and missed engraving over the years due to late returns, trophies are now overdue for return to the awards committee. Also, Societies Clubs and individual members are reminded that Nominations are required for the non contest trophies of which there are four.
For those involved in construction, there are two coveted awards available. See the 2003 Year Book. Applications and nominations can be made to Peter Grant EI4HX Chair Awards Committee Trophy returns also to EI4HX at QTHR or any member of the IRTS Committee.
Dundalk Amateur Radio Society
Last Thursday night members of the Dundalk Amateur Radio Society visited the Church Island Radio Group in County Derry. This is a new radio club founded in May 2004 and is based at Bellaghy Community Hall between Portglenone and Magherafelt. Their club callsign is MN0LBA and the aim of the club is to promote the hobby of amateur radio by providing classes in radio theory, club meetings where they will have a fully equipped shack for HF, VHF/UHF, Packet and ATV etc.
Those that made the journey from Dundalk included Thos EI2JD, James MI5AHG, Jim MI3SBI, Billy MI3WBL and Brendan MI3TVI. They were greeted by the club chairman John MI0MIO and the club PRO Joe GI1JHQ who introduced them to the club members and showed them around there extensive hall and grounds. Both chairmen gave a little talk on their respective clubs and projects for the future. Some cross-border activities planned include ATV, Speciel Events (including a trip to Rathlin Island) and contesting. The club also received information on membership to IRTS.
A return visit to the Dundalk Amateur Radio Club house is planned for early March when there will be an ATV activity night. Dundalk Amateur Radio Society would like to thank the Church Island Radio Group for their hospitality and look forward to seeing them in Dundalk.
Solar News
In under 48 hours, sunspot number 720 has grown from an almost invisible speck into a dark blemish 5 times wider than Earth. Solar activity could increase if this rapid growth continues. Already the 'spot is big enough to see with the naked eye, however it is important to never stare directly at the sun.
At the moment, Earth is in the path of a high-speed solar wind stream that is causing some mild geomagnetic storms.
AREN The AREN training net continues for 2005 and the next event will take place on February 19th 2005, commencing at 0930. The primary frequency is 7.099 MHz and the secondary frequency is 3.690 MHz. This is a members only net, however non-member traffic will be taken towards the end of the event when the training session has been completed. If you have an interest in Emergency Communications please listen to the net and you are very welcome to call when invited to do so by the NCS.
Enquires about IRTS Emergency Communications are always welcome and should directed to the Emergency Communication Coordinator John Ketch EI2GN, on 086-2593005 or via e-mail to ei2gn at ketch dot ie.
Mayo Radio Experimenters Network
The results of the 2004 Mayo Radio Experimenters Members' first Annual Competition were announced at club's January meeting. The results were calculated from the monthly competitions and eleven amateurs made the final list. John Corless, EI7IQ was the outright winner having won the monthly competitions in January, April, May, July, August, October and November. June winner, John Browne, EI7FAB, was second overall and Brendan Minish EI6IZ finished third.
The club, one of the most active in the country, has organised competitions for its members again in 2005. Details of the competitions, other features and radio news, are published in the club newsletter which members receive monthly.
The full results list for the 2004 competition are as follows: 1 John Corless, EI7IQ 2 John Browne, EI7FAB 3 Brendan Minish, EI6IZ 4 Jimmy Kelly, EI2GCB 5 John McAndrew, EI3JM 6 Mike Hayes, EI2EO 7 Terry Ebdon, EI9IW 8 Dermot Adams, EI7IX 9 Jarlath Cunnane, EI9FYB 10 John McDonnell, EI6IR 11 Padraic Baynes, EI9JA Cork Repeater Group The Cork Repeater Group AGM will be held at Wilton Park House on Saturday next the 22nd of January at 8.30 p.m. All are welcome.
Phoenix Amateur Radio Group
The Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally will take place on Sunday the 6th of February 2005 in Coolmine Community School, Blanchardstown. Doors open at 11.00 a.m. and admission is 3 euro. Doors will open for traders at 9.30 a.m. For enquiries regarding tables, phone Tony on 01-8252074.
IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally
This years Trade Fair will take place on Sunday the 13th of March and is shaping up to be LRC's best yet. The events are located at the Green Hills Hotel Ennis Road, Limerick.
The IRTS AGM will follow the Trade Fair. The IRTS Dinner will be held Saturday the 12th of March at the same location. Yaesu UK, Linear Amp UK, Icom, Long Communications, South East Communications and Celcom Ireland will be exhibiting at the rally.
Entry costs 5 Euro. For up-to-date information visit the Limerick Radio Club web site on
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
Please note that there will be no general meeting for January 2005. A committee meeting will take place on Wednesday the 24th of January in place of the general meeting.
This meeting will be convened to organise and set a date of the upcoming Annual General Meeting and all committee members are asked to attend.
For latest information about and announcements from the group, visit
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark EI7IS. News should be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Fridays.