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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday September 19th 2004

Roger Barker G4IDE - Silent Key

Thursday September the 9th 2004 marked a sad day for many Packet radio enthusiasts worldwide, for that is the day that Roger Barker G4IDE passed away after a long illness.

Roger will be best know to packet users as the writer of the WinPack and UI-View software used by Radio Amateurs world wide. Not only was he known for his software, but his expert advice was always available if requested. Roger waived the normal registration fee for the EI5MRC Scout Centre Packet station at Mount Mellaray when he was informed that visiting scouts worldwide used it.

In a manor most befitting the man, the news that he had passed away peacefully in the early hours was received at the TIPBBS / EI3DIB within two hour's of its being posted on the system.

The Funeral took place on Wednesday 15th of September and many radio amateurs joined with the family at Boston Lincs Crematorium with tributes being received from all corners of the globe. TIPBBS and many others closed for 1 hour as a mark of respect at the 12.30 funeral time.

Listeners who may wish to send a card of condolence to the family may send to: Mrs Dee Barker and Family, 79 South Parade, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7PN, England.

For those who may prefer the electronic method the following website on which an electronic book of condolences can be signed, has been made available; May he rest in peace.

International Space Station

A new 2 metre repeater is now operational 24/7 on the international space station. The uplink is on UHF 437.800 MHz and the downlink is on VHF 145.800 MHz no tone burst or CTCSS is required. The radio in use is a Kenwood TMD700 operating in remote cross-band mode, i.e., it just retransmits on VHF what it hears on UHF so if you are getting through you can hear yourself on the downlink frequency.

Anyone can work this repeater using a co-linear antenna. To see where the space station is 'live' check science.nasagov/temp/StationLoc.html For 3-day advance predictions download the PCSat decoder program at When the ISS repeater is being worked the audio may be streamed in the AMSAT conference server on EchoLink so anyone anywhere in the world can listen in.

Cork Radio Club

Cork Radio Club will hold it's Annual rally at the Blarney Park Hotel next Sunday the 19th. Doors open at 11 a.m. The Cork Rally, which has been running for the last 13 years without a break is one of the longest running rallies in EI.

Wireless LAN will be on display this year along with Cellcom`s first appearance. An Amateur Television demonstration will be given by the pioneer himself, Aedan O'Meara. There is a limited no of spaces available so if you would like to trade please contact Con on 086-1071312 or E-mail as soon as possible.

EI Counties Contest

Those who took part in the Autumn leg of the EI Counties Contest should submit their logs to the contest manager, Noel EI2JC as soon as possible.


We are now well into the serious contest season and while many operators regard contests as a nuisance, those chasing DX find them very useful for increasing their country and prefix totals.

The SSB section of the Scandinavian Activity contest will take place next weekend the 25th and 26th. Also held over that weekend will be the CQ Worldwide RTTY DX contest, the biggest of the year for RTTY enthusiasts. In October we will have the EU Autumn sprints on CW and SSB, the Oceania DX Contests also on both CW and SSB and the big one at the end of the month, the CQ Worldwide DX Contest on SSB on the 30th and 31st.

For further information on any of these events, just send an e-mail to

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

The next general meeting of South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday the 29th of September next in the usual venue of The Roanmore Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford.

The SEARG rally will take place in the McEniff Ard Rí Hotel, Waterford on Sunday the 17th of October 2004. Doors open at 11.00 a.m. and admission is 3 euro. Entry is free for children accompanied by an adult. Bar and food facilities will be available and there is ample car parking. Details about the rally including a directions map are available on the clubs web site at

The hotel is offering a discount for those wishing to stay overnight. For enquiries about the rally, contact Mick EI5DCB on 051-873310.

Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

The annual general meeting of the Mayo Radio Experimenters Network will be held in the meeting room, in Stensons of Ballyvary on Wednesday October the 6th at 9 p.m. Visitors and new members are welcome.

The third Mayo Rally will take place on Sunday November the 21st in the usual venue - The Belmont Hotel, Knock. The rally will follow the proven successful format of previous Mayo shows, with a large Bring and Buy section, a number of demonstrations and presentations as well as the large number of traders. Doors open at 11.30 a.m.

The club will host a dinner on the night before the rally, and a prominent guest speaker has been lined for the occasion. A special rate for accommodation has been negotiated with the Hotel, for the Saturday night. All booking enquiries should be made with the Rally Director, Padraic Baynes, EI9JA on 087 6957154.

Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News for next week should be forwarded to Mark EI7IS. News should be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Fridays.


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