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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday August 15th 2004


The AREN group will deploy on August 21st and 22nd next in order to activate two lighthouses for the International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend.

This activity will assist members in training to deploy and operate stations from remote locations, and it will bring them into contact with people who are professionally engaged in the prevention of the occurrence of emergency situations.

The Callsigns EI0BLH and EI0CPL will be used respectively for Ballinacourty Point Lighthouse in Co. Waterford and for Cromwell Point in Kerry.

A significant part of this event will be Near Vertical Instance Skywave (NVIS) working and it is planned to conduct tests between the two sites. John Costello, EI9ESB is coordinating this excercise and AREN members who are not taking part in the lighthouse weekend will assist in the NVIS experiment from their own or from other portable locations. John has prepared a comprehensive briefing document on NVIS, which has been circulated via e-mail to members.

All enquiries about these and other AREN activities should be directed in the first instance to the IRTS Emergency Communications Coordinator, John Ketch, EI2GN on 086-2593005, QTHR or on

SSB Field Day

SSB Field Day will be held this year on September 4th and 5th and it is hoped to hold it centrally once again at Garbally Park in Ballinasloe. This year, open section stations will be located off site but still in the immediate vicinity of Ballinasloe. Intending entrants should contact the Contest Manager, Noel EI2JC as soon as possible. This of course does not prevent entrants setting up and operating in their own localities. In conjunction with Field Day, experimenters are invited to attend a caravan and camping rally at the same venue. Anyone interested should contact Dave EI4BZ for more information.

Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

The Mayo radio Experimenters rally will be held in the Belmont Hotel, Knock on Sunday November the 21st. Doors open at 11.30 a.m.

Most of the usual large number of national and local traders have confirmed their attendance again this year. The rally will feature exhibitions and demonstrations and the usual large and varied Bring & Buy section.

EI4JM in Central Africa

Keith EI4JM (ex-EI4FBB) has now started a new posting with Concern in Rwanda, Burundi and DR Congo. Following his unsuccessful attempts to get a licence while posted in YA last year, submissions are now underway for his new residences. 9X and 9U are not currently issuing licences, although the situation is being monitored closely by various amateurs in the region, but Keith currently has applications in for 5Z4 and 9Q licences.

He is likely to become active in the next month approximately as 9Q1JM and/or 9Q6JM from DR Congo, based in Kinshasa and Goma, depending on security, logistics and time constraints. More details will follow as soon as the situation becomes clearer.

Activity from 5Z4 will normally be on transit trips through Nairobi, so will be more limited and at shorter notice.

DX News

SP8HKT is QRV in Iraq using the callsign YI9KT for the next 5 months. Operation is planned from 40 to 10 meters, mainly CW but also SSB on request.

KJ4UY is planning to operate as V47UY from Nevis on all HF bands and including 6 metres until the 28th of August.

K4QD is QRV as HH4/K4QD from Haiti until the 27th of August. He is operating on most bands on SSB and CW during his spare time and some 6 metre operation is envisaged.

Olympic Games Special Callsigns

Radio amateurs/experimenters visiting Greece this can use special callsigns issued to mark the Olympic Games. From the 1st of August until the 15th of September visiting amateurs from CEPT countries may use the special prefix J42004 prefix. For more information visit the Radio Amateurs Association of Greece web site at

Space News

Sunspot Number 649, which produced several powerful solar flares in July, is back in view of the Earth and it's growing again. The large spot has complex magnetic fields that is capable of producing X-class solar flares. The sunspot is easy to see with the naked eye but never look directly at the sun. Check for more information and safe solar observing tips.

Perseid Meteors

Meteor Scatter operators will be aware that the Perseid meteor shower should now be past the peak which took place on August 11th and 12th.

South Dublin Radio Club

The next meeting of South Dublin Radio Club will take place this coming Tuesday the 17th of August, at 8.00 p.m. in the Ballyroan Community Centre, Marian Road, Rathfarnham.

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

The Waterford City 70cm repeater (EI2WRC) on RB11 is currently off air for maintenance. This will be restored shortly, check for the latest information.

Please note that it is now possible to dial out on the IRLP node, which is connected to the Waterford 70cm repeater EI7MLR which is on 430.950 MHz using a plus 7.6 MHz shift. When dialling out, please state your callsign to identify your station before sending DTMF tones. The node can be dialled using any repeater on the Southern Ireland Repeater Network. More information on IRLP can be obtained from and information on The Southern Ireland Repeater Network can be had from

The next general meeting of the group will take place on Wednesday the 25th of August at 8.00 p.m. in the usual venue of Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford. All are welcome.

Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News for next week should be forwarded to Mark EI7IS. News should be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.


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