Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday June 6th 2004
EL/EI5IF Liberia
Pat (EI5IF) will be in Monrovia for the next 6 months. While there, he will operate using the callsign EL/EI5IF and will try to operate as often as possible (due to work commitments) on most HF bands including WARC. Pat looks forward to working some EI stations during his stay.
A thousand thanks to all those who were involved with the Special Event Stations on the EU Day of Welcomes. All eleven stations were operational at some stage over the week-end and on a rough count over 10,000 QSOs were made. The level of cooperation received from the event organisers at local level was mixed - to say the least - but in all cases this was overcome by the initiative of the Amateur community. It must also be said that the experience of setting up and operating the stations provided many valuable lessons for those taking part in such an event for the first time.
The task of dealing with applications for the Award and QSL card must now be faced. Stations that have not yet sent their logs to Paul O'Kane should now do so. This may be done electronically to or in the case of paper logs to Paul O'Kane at QTHR.
EI8IC Web Site
Tim EI8IC is continuing to upgrade his already excellent website and has now released 34 new prefix maps for free download you can get the maps from
The maps are available separately or as a combined zipped archive.
If you haven't already visited Tim's website it is well worth a visit with information available on a wide range of amateur radio topics including contesting and dxing in addition to his map programs.
June Meeting of Mayo REN
At the June meeting of the Mayo REN, members discussed plans for the activation of an offshore island in July and a club trip to Germany in the autumn. Plans were also made for the club trip to the Bangor & DARS Rally.
The results of the May contest for members was announced as follows; 1st was John Corless EI7IQ, in 2nd place was John Browne EI7FAB, in 3rd place was Brendan Minish EI6IZ and 4th was John McAndrew EI3JM.
The club meets on the first Wednesday of each month in Stensons, Ballyvary at 9 p.m.
East Cork Radio Group
The East Cork Radio Group EI7M will team up with the Bristol Contest Group, G6YB to activate Bere Island, EU-121 using the callsign EJ2MT for the IOTA Contest 2004.
New Experimental Simplexer on 70.350 MHz in EI
There is an experimental 4 metre "Simplexer" operational on 70.350 MHz (FM). This acts as a repeater but functions differently in that it operates only on one frequency. It listens on that frequency for any transmissions, records them and then re-transmits the recording on the same frequency (store and forward). The maximum length of recording is 45 seconds.
QSO's can be slow but it is pretty good when the other station is out of range. With the Sporadic-E season underway, this may be of interest to any OZ, 9A or S5 station when the band is open. This may also serve as a useful tool for monitoring propagation conditions on 4 metres.
The Simplexer is located on a mountain in the southern part of IO52 square, about 40 kms North West of the city of Cork and Polarization is Vertical.
Museum Ships Special Event
Beginning 1330 UTC on July the 21st and ending 1900 UTC on July the 22nd the 5th Annual Museum Ships Radio Special Event Sponsored by the USS Salem Radio Club will Take place. Work six of the ships to receive an attractive certificate. For more details visit
VHF/UHF Field Day
The first weekend in July is again the time for the IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day. Please look at page 22 of the March/April issue of Echo Ireland for the new point scoring system for this competition. The new scoring should encourage more activity in the Open section and provide for more competition on individual bands.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will hold a Bring and Buy in the Roanmore Social and Sports centre at 8.00 p.m. on Thursday the 17th of June next. It is also planned to hold an ATV demonstration as well as a Wireless WAN demonstration. The club is also hoping to attract local traders. All are welcome and admission is free.
There will be no general meeting for the month of June and the next general meeting will take place on July the 28th.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News for next week should be forwarded to Dave EI4BZ. News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.