Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday April 18th 2004
EI5R - Frank Colbert - Silent Key
Frank began his working career as an electrician with the E.S.B. and worked on the introduction of the new source of energy on the West coast, particularly Clifden in Galway, where he lived for many years. He later supervised the introduction of rural electrification in Wexford.
It was around this time that Frank became interested in Amateur Radio and after completing the required Government examinations he was issued with his Radio Call sign - EI5R, which is now one of the oldest call signs in the country.
Along with Dick Madigan - EI9Q (RIP) they pioneered Amateur Radio in the area and Frank took great pride in building most of his "home brew" equipment. Frank was also one of the Founder members of South Eastern Amateur Radio Group.
For the past several months now Frank's health has been poorly and eventually he became a "Silent Key" last Sunday the 11th of April last. To Collette - Franks wife, and to his sons we offer our sincere condolences.
Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.
EI Counties Contest
The Spring Leg of the EI Counties Contest took place on Easter Monday the 12th of April last. A good number of stations were on the air for the event. Results will be announced in the near future. If you took part in the event, please submit your log and claimed score to the contest manager, Noel EI2JC to arrive no later than the 12th of May.
UBA EU Contest
The UBA is organising a contest to celebrate the official entry of 10 new member states to the European Union. The purpose of the contest is to contact as many EU stations as possible and will take place on the 1st of May. This is a 24 hour event.
For more information. Visit for more information.
40 metres
San Marino has authorised amateur radio operation in the 7.100 to 7.200 MHz band on a secondary basis with effect from the 25th of February. Norway has announced that radio amateurs can use the same frequencies on a secondary basis and this has been effective since the 1st of April last.
South Dublin Radio
An announcement about two important meetings for South Dublin Radio Club members. The committee is planning to put a proposal to members to adopt a new constitution. The change is being proposed to facilitate the running of a wide range of activities within the club and in particular to make provision for sub-groups with special interests to operate. Copies of the draft of the proposed new constitution have been handed out at recent club meetings, and may also be downloaded from the club's web site
An Extraordinary General Meeting to consider this proposal will take place at 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday 4th May, in the club QTH. An information night, to discuss the new draft, will be held on Tuesday 13th April. This is a very important move for the club, and all members are strongly encouraged to participate on both nights.
The Irish Radio Transmitters Society is pleased to announce a weekend of Radio celebrations on 1st and 2nd May 2004 to mark the enlargement of the European Union.
Ten additional countries will join the Union on 1st May. The Irish Government which will hold the Presidency of the Union on that date has nominated ten Irish cities to be "twinned" with the new member states. The IRTS will activate ten Special Event Stations in the "twinned" cities - each with the EI25 prefix and a suffix representative of the new member state.
In addition, the IRTS HQ station, EI25EU, will be coordinating the event from Dublin. It is planned to have activity on a variety of bands and modes and a special Awards program is planned. For more details, visit the IRTS website
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The next general meeting of the group will take place on Wednesday the 28th of April at 8.00 p.m. in the Roanmore Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford.
Congratulations to Rob EI2GPB and Gerry EI2GNB on their new callsigns. Both Rob and Gerry completed the theory course with South Eastern Amateur Radio Group.
Enniskillen Rally
Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club hosts the 23rd Enniskillen Amateur Radio Show in the Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh on Sunday the 25th of April 2004. Doors open at 12.00 noon.
Car parking facilities and food will be available. Admission is £3.00, which includes free ticket for Raffle with valuable prizes. Bring & Buy with no fee. Amateur Radio, Electronics, Computers, traders big and small, equipment, accessories, components, new surplus and second-hand. Traditional large attendance expected from all over Ireland, north and south. Further details from Herbie GI6JPO on 028-6638 7761.
International Marconi Day
International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur radio event held annually to celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi on the 25th April 1874. The International Marconi Day (IMD) event which will be celebrated on Saturday the 24th of April, is not a contest: it is an opportunity for amateurs around the world to make point-to-point contact with historic Marconi sites using HF communications techniques similar to those used by Marconi, and to gain an attractive Award for achieving the requisite number of Marconi stations worked. Unfortunately it seems that none of the six station in EI who were previously involved have indicated their intentions for this year. See the IMD web site for full details.
The awards requirement for fixed stations id to work 15 of the official Marconi stations, a mobile station needs 12 and SWLs need 15 or 10 on CW only. There area separate awards for mixed and CW. VHF contacts do not count towards the awards.
Upcoming Events
The RSGB 50 MHz contest will take place between 0900 and 1300 hrs UTC on the 25th of April and the 50 MHz UK Activity Contest takes place on the 27th between 2000 and 2230 hours local time.
DX News
The multi-operator T33C DXpedition to Banaba island commenced on the 4th of April last. The island counts as OC-018 for the IOTA award.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded Mark Wall EI7IS. He can be contacted by phone or text on 087-6302026 or news can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.