Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday February 15th 2004
IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally
The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Radio Transmitters Society will take place on Sunday March the 7th at the Greenhills Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick. The AGM this year is being hosted by Limerick Radio Club and will run in conjunction with the LRC rally. The Annual Dinner will take place the previous night (Saturday March the 6th) at the same venue.
Please note that nominations for all trophies must be with the Awards Committee on or before February the 29th. Entrants for the Construction Trophies must present their equipment to the Awards Committee before noon on the day. Entries for the Ian Morris Trophy must also be submitted before February the 29th. All trophies should be returned to Peter Grant, EI4HX as soon as possible.
The list of confirmed attendees to date for the Limerick Rally are ICOM UK, Linear Amp UK, YAESU UK, Cellcom, Long Communications and Southeast Communications.
A demonstration of Licence free Wide Area Networking operating on 2.4 GHz will take place as will a demonstration on the operation of EchoLink.
Yaesu are donating an FT8800R dual band mobile transceiver for the rally and also a VR120 scanner for the AGM dinner.
Bring and Buy will feature as usual, due to circumstances beyond the control of Limerick Radio Club the cost of the tables have increased to €10. It is with regret that LRC have had to increase the price, but this is due to circumstances that are beyond the control of the club.
East Cork Amateur Radio Group
The East Cork Group have a new 70 cm repeater located in Ballygarvan, just south of Cork City. The output is on 430.900 and the input frequency is 438.500 MHz.
Mills Weekend
The Mills Weekend will take place over the weekend of the 8th and 9th of May. There is a web site with more information at There is an award for working or hearing 10 windmill or watermill stations, so if you are unable to put on a station you can still take part in the event.
South Dublin Radio Club
The Annual General Meeting of South Dublin Radio Club takes place on Tuesday the 24th of February, at 8.00 p.m. in the club's QTH at Marian Road, Rathfarnham. All members are requested to attend.
EURADIO - Twinned Special Event Stations
On the 1st of May 2004, the European Union welcomes ten new states and Ireland will host the Presidency of the EU at that time. As part of the Enlargement celebrations, the Minister for Arts Sport and Tourism, Mr. John O'Donoghue T.D. has designated ten Irish cities and towns to be twinned with a particular new member state.
A special event station is being planned for each of those cities and towns. The ten special event stations will be operational ober the weekend of the 1st and 2nd of May.
An awards programme will be promoted among the international amateur radio community with certificates for stations that establish contact with the special event stations. Enquiries to Sean Donelan, EI4FK.
Mayo Radio Experimenters Network
The Mayo REN meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Stensons in Ballyvary at 9 p.m. and new members are welcome.
MREN has a special event station active from Mayo to commemorate Irelands upcoming Presidency of the European Union. The group will operate the special event station EI0EU until the end of June. The station will be active on all bands.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The Annual General Meeting of the Group will take place on Wednesday the 25th of February 2004 at 8.00 p.m. in the Roanmore Social & Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford. Tea, coffee and snacks will be available. All members are asked to attend and visitors are welcome. Up to date information about the club is available at
International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2004
This highly popular annual August event attracts hundreds of amateur radio stations at lighthouses and lightships, there were 369 entrants in 48 countries in 2003. The event is organised by Mike, GM4SUC, and Kevin, VK2CE is the web-master. This year the period of the event is from 0001 UTC on Saturday the 21st of August until 2359 UTC on Sunday the 22nd of August 2004.
The event is NOT a contest. It is a special event weekend when each group decides how it will operate with regard to modes and bands. Participants are not committed to being on the air during the entire period. There are no restrictions on antennas or power.
If you would like to participate, please register on-line at with details of your name, callsign to be used, lighthouse/lightship, Country, QSL route etc. Although registration is not compulsory, doing so enables the organisers to maintain a detailed list of participants at showing QSL address, web site and any special event calls they may be using.
Change of Address
Please note that the address for Paul Kirkby EI6FE is incorrect in the IRTS yearbook. Paul has changed address since its publication. His new address is; 43 Gleann an Oir, Shannon. If you have sent correspondence or cheques to Paul, please check that he received them by phoning him on 061-360122. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this oversight.
Enniskillen Rally
Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club hosts the 23rd Enniskillen Amateur Radio Show in the Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh on Sunday the 25th of April 2004. Doors open at 12.00 noon.
Car parking facilities and food will be available. Admission is £3.00 which includes free ticket for Raffle with valuable prizes. Bring & Buy with no fee. Amateur Radio, Electronics, Computers, traders big and small, equipment, accessories, components, new surplus and second-hand. Traditional large attendance expected from all over Ireland, north and south.
4 Metre Activity
Please note that 4 metre activity nights take place on the 1st Tuesday of each month on 70.2625 MHz FM.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded Mark Wall EI7IS. He can be contacted on 087-6302026 or e-mail News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.