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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday March 30th 2003

Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

Members of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will provide emergency communications support for up to 300 walkers expected to take part in the Aherlow Hillwalking Festival over the Galty Mountains next weekend, the 5th and 6th of April. Members will activate Galtymore SOTA reference no IS004 from time to time on S18 on both days.

The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will take place next Thursday the 3rd of April in Raheen House Hotel.

North Dublin Radio Club

A talk will be given by Dave EI3IO and Hugh EI6CPB on Packet Radio and the Packet Radio Network in Ireland. There will be practical on air demonstrations of equipment and procedures. This event will be of interest to Radio Amateurs with little or no experience with the Packet Radio mode and those who want to brush up on the finer points and new developments.

The talk will take place in the North Dublin Radio Club, Chanel College, Coolock, on Saturday the 12th of April at 8.00 p.m. All Radio Amateurs are welcome.


The 2002 world JOTA report has recently been published and is available for download from the website of the World JOTA Organiser, Richard Middelkoop PA3BAR. The report is divided in three parts of 1.2 Megabytes each using the following links;,, and

The 46th Jamboree on the Air will take place on the 18th and 19th of October 2003. Anyone seeking information regarding JOTA can contact Sean O'Sullivan EI3IP, National JOTA Organiser of Scouting Ireland - CSI by phone at 087 232 6994, by Email at or or by snail mail at QTHR.


The Irish Radio Transmitter Society Annual General Meeting will take place on Sun April the 27th at 2.30 p.m. in Jury's Green Isle Hotel, Naas Road, Dublin 22.

Shannon Basin Radio Club

The club will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday next, the 2nd of April in the Royal Hotel, Roscommon town at 8.30 p.m.

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

The next committee meeting of the club will take place at 8.00 p.m. in the Roanmore Centre on Wednesday the 2nd of April. Committee members are requested to attend.

Enniskillen Rally

For over 20 years past, Fermanagh has been venue for Aprils annual gathering of Amateur Radio Enthusiasts from all over Ireland, North and South.

The 22nd Enniskillen Radio Show will be next Sunday, the 6th of April, opening at 12 noon in the Killyhevlin hotel. Over 250 radio amateurs and short wave listeners will gather to meet friends of like interest to see and talk about the very latest and some vintage wireless technology, new and second hand radio transmitters and receivers and in all sorts of other electronic and computer components and equipment.

The annual event is hosted by the Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club, one of a dozen radio clubs in Northern Ireland. These are good times for amateur radio with a big influx of new enthusiasts. Across the UK, over 5000 of the new M3 prefix licences have been issued in the past year by the Radiocommunications Agency. Alongside the traditional full licence, the new M3 licence, conditional on basic training and a practical competence test allows low power transmission on all the radio bands, perhaps world wide when conditions are right.

Radio amateurs or Experimenters practice a hobby that began over a century ago when Marconi did his historic amateur experiments, two of which took place in Ireland, the first wireless message across water to Rathlin and the first wireless sports news report in CW from afloat to shore at a Dublin Bay sailing regatta.

Information about the Enniskillen Rally can be had from Herbie, GI6JPO on 028-6638-7761 or

EI8GT on battleship New Jersey

On Saturday last, the 22nd Joe EI8GT was on the battleship New Jersey NJ2BB and worked into Europe. On the Sunday he worked a few EI's and on March the 24th worked 20 stations, all EI and GI.

DX News

VP8ROT is active from Rothera base on Adelaide Island, Antarctica. The island counts as AN-001 for the RSGB IOTA awards. The station has been active on 20 metres between 0200 and 0500 UTC.

Les, 7Q7LA, is active from Malawi till middle of April.

8Q7VR is active from the Maldives from now until May this year. QSL information is via UR9IDX.

Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded Mark Wall EI7IS. He can be contacted on 087-6302026. News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.


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