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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 13th 2002

Licensing News

Wireless Telegraphy Regulations 2002, came into effect during September. The main change for Class A frequencies is that there is no longer a wait period for use of all the A Class frequencies. New licence documentation will be issued to all licence holders by the ODTR, as their licences are renewed.

The regulations have lowered the Morse requirement for the A Class licence to 5 words per minute, this is in line with the CEPT standard. This means that visitors to Ireland from other CEPT countries can be granted a reciprocal licence during their stay.

Licensees are requested to adhere to the 30 days payment policy of the ODTR. Failure to adhere to this may result in cancellation of the licence. The licence

holder will be required to go through the application procedure as for a new applicant in which case, retention of the original call sign cannot be guaranteed.

Mayo Radio Experimenters Network AGM

Frances Taheny EI5J has been re-elected chairperson of the Mayo Radio Experimenters Network. At the Club's recent AGM, Brendan Minish EI6IZ was returned as Secretary, and John McDonnell, EI6IR was elected Treasurer. Michael Clarke EI3IG is the Club QSL Manager and Padraic Baynes EI9JA Rally Director. Don Gibbons EI5IA is the new Club Rep to the IRTS and John Corless EI7IQ is the new PRO.

In her address Chairperson Frances Taheny, EI5J, thanked all of the traders and visitors to the club's first ever rally, especially those that made the trip from Northern Ireland, and overseas. She also thanked the IRTS for selecting Mayo as the venue for its AGM.

The Connor Shield for service to amateur radio was won by John Corless EI7IQ, and the Wishing Well Shield for outstanding service to the club, went to Padraic Baynes EI9JA.

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

If anyone is interested in doing night classes leading up to the class B license, please contact Mark on 087-6302026 or e-mail the club at Classes are due to start shortly if interest is sufficient.

For more information on any matter relating to South Eastern Amateur Radio Group, check out the clubs website at

Jamboree On The Air

The 45th JOTA will take place on Saturday and Sunday next, 19th and 20th of October. Each year over 500,000 Scouts and Guides from all over the world participate in this event where Scouting experiences are shared and ideas exchanged thus contributing to the world brotherhood of Scouting. While the event lasts from midnight local time Friday night to midnight Sunday

night, Stations participating can choose their own operating hours.

The opening of JOTA in Ireland will take place on Saturday 15:00 local time with a short address by the Chief Scout of Scouting Ireland (CSI), Mr Peter Dixon on the WAI frequency on 40 metres plus or minus QRM and also on either the Dundalk or Dublin repeaters on 2 metres, operating from EI2DSJ in Dundalk. This will be followed by a call in giving Scouts the opportunity to talk with the Chief.

Besides EI2DSJ operating from Dundalk, other stations that will be on air for JOTA are EI0SDR operating from the Scout Den in Wicklow, EI4BST operating from the Community Centre in Bayside and EI5MRC operating from the Scout Campsite in Mount Melleray.

Copies of the new Radio Scouting handbook are available to CSI, SAI or SANI Scout Unit or Group participating in JOTA, from the National Headquarters of Scouting Ireland (CSI), Larch Hill, Dublin 16, phone 01-495 6300 (any Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday). Alternatively a copy can be emailed by contacting Sean EI3IP at 087-232 6994 or at

JOTA in Wicklow

The Scout Hall on the south quay of Wicklow town will be host to the Wicklow Scout Jamboree on the air. Wicklow Scouts will be joined by other Scout Groups in the county totalling 200 boys and girls aged 11 to 16 years.

The station will be operating 2 HF and one VHF voice radios. The equipment and supervision are to be provided by South Dublin Radio club members.

The station will be operational from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Saturday the 19th of October and Amateurs and SWLs in the Wicklow area are welcome to call in and lend a hand.

Amateurs outside the Wicklow area are welcome to call in on the Air!

Items for inclusion in Echo Ireland should be forwarded to Dave Moore EI4BZ at 021-4883555. Items can also be submitted to Dave by e-mail at

Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall EI7IS at QTHR or via e-mail to or Items can also be sent to Mark over the phone at 087-6302026.

News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.


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