Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday September 22nd 2002
Morse Testing
As already announced Morse Tests at the new reduced speed of 5 words per minute will take place at the Cork Rally on Sunday next September the 29th. Tests will be conducted from 12 noon to 2.30 p.m. but intending candidates should check in at the IRTS Stand as early as possible.
The fee for sitting the test is €12.70 and it will be necessary for each candidate to provide proof of identity. Passport, Driving Licence or other Photo Identity document will suffice. A Morse Key and Oscillator will be provided by the testers but candidates who wish to do so may use their own Morse Keys and/or Oscillators. The format of the test will remain the same - sending and receiving three minutes of plain text; sending and receiving three minutes of numbers and, a shorter test on sending and receiving punctuation.
It is to be hoped that as many as possible will take this opportunity to upgrade their licences from Class B to Class A.
2 metre Counties Contest
A reminder to all participants in the Autumn 2m counties contest that the closing date for receipt of logs is Mon 30th September 2002. All logs must be e-mailed or postmarked by this date. Electronic logs should be emailed to and paper logs should be sent to the Contest Manager, IRTS,PO Box 462, Dublin 9.
Your co-operation is appreciated in order to produce the results as soon as possible. Logs posted or emailed after the closing date will not be accepted.
"Summits On The Air" activation in County Down
As part of the Summits On The Air (SOTA) programme, Colin GI0RQK and Joe EI7GY recently activated Slieve Commedagh in County Down. The first contacts of the day were on 2 metres. Using just half a watt to a five-eighths vertical, Colin and Joe were able to make simplex contacts to Dublin. They then set up a 3 element Tonna for 2 metres and a half-wave dipole for 40 metres. Using a Yaesu FT-817 for 2 metres and 70 cms, and an IC-706 for 40 metres, Colin and Joe were kept busy for the afternoon. They had phone and CW contacts with stations all over Ireland and Britain, while there were a few continental European stations in the HF log.
Cork Radio Club
The Cork Radio Club Rally will take place on the 29th of September 2002 in the Blarney Park Hotel. For information, contact Con EI7DJB or Dick at 021-4545154.
Information on Cork Radio Club's Rallies (past, present, and future) may be obtained at the new Blarney Rally website at
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
General Meetings of the club will resume this coming Wednesday the 25th of September at 8.00 p.m. in the usual venue of Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford.
Please note that the EI2WRC 2 metre voice repeater is now active again from Mt. Leinster. The move to Mt. Leinster was orchestrated by John EI8JA and Eoin EI8FXB and was in planning for the last number of weeks. Signal reports are welcome. Thanks also to EI9HR for providing transport on the day of the move.
If anyone is interested in doing night classes leading up to the class B license, please contact Mark on 087-6302026 or e-mail the club at If there is enough interest from west Waterford, there is a possibility that the classes this year will be run in Dungarvan. For information check out the clubs website at
DX News
ZL5C at Scott Base on Ross Island near Antarctica will be operated by Christopher N3SIG until the 31st of December. This counts as AN-011 for IOTA.
Special event station DT14AG is active from South Korea until the 23rd of October celebrating the 14th Asian Games in Busan, Korea.
Scandinavian HamVention
Scandinavian HamVention 2003 (SHV) is a large Hamfest where both Scandinavian and other European Radio Amateurs come together. There will be a big exhibition with ham dealers from all over Europe and the aim of the organisers is to arrange Scandinavia's biggest ever flea market. Here people may trade, buy and sell everything related to amateur radio. A traditional Dinner will be held and there will also be a ladies program for YL/XYL´s. The HamVention will take place between the 25th and 27th of April.
The Swedish Radio Association (SSA) will hold their annual meeting at the same time. The URL to the official SHV page is
Items for inclusion in Echo Ireland should be forwarded to Dave Moore EI4BZ at 021-4883555. Items can also be submitted to Dave by e-mail at
Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall EI7IS at QTHR or via e-mail to or Items can also be sent to Mark over the phone at 087-6302026.
News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.