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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday March 25th 2001


Following the latest developments with the foot and mouth situation, the IRTS Annual General Meeting, Dinner Dance and the Limerick Radio Club Rally due to be held over the weekend of April the 7th and 8th at the Limerick Inn in Limerick have been postponed.

Both the Society and Limerick Radio Club regret any inconvenience caused and any monies collected for tickets will of course be refunded.

Counties Contest

The annual 2 Metres Counties Contest being held on Easter Monday will go ahead but the two portable sections have been cancelled.

There will now be three sections, high power fixed, low power fixed and FM only, fixed.

Dundalk Amateur Radio Club

Dundalk Amateur Radio Club regret to announce that all club activity is now suspended as a result of the confirmed Foot and Mouth outbreak in Co. Louth reported on Thursday the 22nd. This suspension will remain in place until further notice.

South Dublin Radio Club

For the past few years, members of South Dublin Radio Club have activated rare counties for the St. Patrick's weekend. This year, in the light of the Foot & Mouth restrictions, the club's members "activated" their own QTH in Rathfarnham. One HF and two VHF tranceivers were in use throughout the day, one of the HF sets making use of a 10 metre vertical that was put up in the grounds of the club QTH for the day. 10 metres was wide open, and there were many pile-ups during the day. 22 countries were worked, including included rare countries such as Kuwait, Dominican Republic and Colombia. There was considerable interest from the USA, and 17 States were worked, including the West Coast. All in all it was a very successful event, with plenty of on-air experience gained by the newer club members.

IRTS Awards

Nominations are requested by the Awards Manager Peter EI4HX for the following IRTS Awards:- ARUP cup, Collins Cup, Pat Conway Cup, Folan Shield, Sheila Piper Cup, and the Kevin Freeny Trophy. Applications are also invited for the EI7IQ 6 Metre Activity Awards. [See page 19 of the new 2001 Year Book]. Please note that those holding awards must return them before the AGM.

The Ian Morris Memorial Trophy is presented at the IRTS AGM each year to the short-wave listener who has the most DXCC entities confirmed during the previous year. The closing date for entries is April the 1st 2001.

World Radio Day

The IARU Administrative Council has selected "Providing Disaster Communications: Amateur Radio in the 21st Century" as the theme for World Amateur Radio Day 2001. The occasion will be marked April 18th. It’s been suggested that Societies could mark that day with a special event. The South African Society will be holding a major all day amateur radio event at the National Amateur Centre in Gauteng on Saturday the 19th of May. The program which is currently being finalised will include a number of events including a huge flea market, showing of the film Frequency and an introduction to the Amateur Radio Monitoring Program. The highlight of the day will be the launch of BACAR. The first flight is scheduled for May 19th. BACAR is the acronym for Balloon Carrying Amateur Radio, a project that involves the flight of a weather balloon with several radio transmitters and experiments.

Dayton Hamfest

Those visiting the Dayton Hamfest this year are reminded that there is a special Irish gathering on the Friday and Saturday at 3 pm on each day near the Buck-Eye Belles stand and also near the large cafeteria in the large hall. All are invited.

Worked All Ireland

The WAI net frequency is 7.068 MHz and some Counties seem to have a low profile on this net. Operators (operating from fixed stations) are encouraged to call in to the WAI net from time to time, especially on weekends. So the next time you’re operating on the HF bands, take some time out to call in on 7.068 and promote amateur radio in your area.

DX News

The 3G0Y group continues to be very active on all bands and modes from Easter Island. QSL via DK7YY.

Jay, K4ZLE, and Pick, WA5PAE, are QRV as KG4MO and KG4IZ, respectively, until March 25th from Guantanamo Bay. They are operating mainly CW on 160 to 6 metres, including the newer bands. QSL to home calls.

Members of the Barry Amateur Radio Society will be QRV as ZD7K from St. Helena. They intend to operate on all bands, including 6 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV, PSK31, and MFSK16. QSL via GW0ANA. After their ZD7K operation, they will be QRV as ZD8K from Ascension Island on all bands and modes. QSL, is again via GW0ANA.

Items for inclusion in Echo Ireland should be forwarded to Dave Moore EI4BZ at 021-4883555 in the evenings or at 021-4823172 during office hours. Items can be submitted to Dave by e-mail at and you can fax him at 021-4823316. Items for inclusion in the Radio News for the next two weeks should also be forwarded to Dave Moore.

News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.


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