Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday December 24th 2000
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
On Saturday the 9th of December last, members of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group held their 6th Annual Christmas Party. The event this year was held at the Galtee Inn, Cahir, Co. Tipperary and has always been a popular and well supported social outing. Club members this year travelled from counties Cork, Kilkenny and Waterford to join their local based colleagues for this most enjoyable night out. After an excellent meal and the usual formalities completed, John Burke EI2JB presented the 2nd edition of the club magazine called TARG. This is a very well compiled newsletter by John highlighting the years club activities and outings accompanied by coloured photos. An excellent night was had by all and club members are already looking forward to next year’s event. The next monthly meeting of TARG will take place at Raheen House, Clonmel on Wednesday the 3rd of January 2001 at 8.00 p.m.
Mayo Radio Experimenters Network
The second annual Mayo REN Christmas party was held in Westport on Saturday December 16th. The guests of honour were Dave Moore EI4BZ, IRTS President, and his wife Olive. The dinner was very well attended and an enjoyable night was had by all. At the club's recent AGM, history was made when Frances Taheny EI5J, was elected Chairperson of the club, the first female Chairperson of a radio club in Ireland! Gerry Cregg EI4GD, was elected Secretary/Treasurer and Michael Clarke EI3IG was elected IRTS Club Representative and QSL Manager. Night classes in theory and CW will commence after Christmas, with tutors Brendan Minish EI6IZ and Dermot Adams EI7IX. Details are available on (094) 60127.
Contest News
The Emerald Isle Contest & DX Group will operate the special Millennium Callsign EI-2-OOO on Christmas Day, December the 25th and New Year's Eve, Dec 31st, on HF, CW, SSB and PSK31 from the Western part of Ireland. The group normally operates the callsign EI-9-I but will use the special call, allocated by the Irish authorities to mark the Year 2000. QSL information is via buro. Additional information if required is available from John Corless EI7IQ, by e-mail at The G-QRP club will be running a QRP contest from 26th of December to the 1st of January. This contest is open to anybody who wants to operate QRP CW. Activity will take place in and around the usual QRP frequencies of 3.530; 7.030; 14.060; 21.060 & 28.060 MHz. The award given is for the person who has the most interesting log.
This contest is aimed at the QRP people and QRP to QRP contacts and would be of interest to QRP'ers in EI. Entrants can use any equipment they want (i.e., homemade QRP or ordinary commercial rigs).
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
SEARG held its Christmas get-together on Saturday the 16th of December at the Waterford Greyhound Stadium. The event was well attended with some members travelling all the way from Dungarvan to attend. An enjoyable night was had by all. Anyone wishing to take part in the theory classes may still do so by contacting the club on 087-6302026 or by e-mail at The classes will resume on Monday the 8th of January 2001.
New Awards
Two new awards will be introduced and be effective from the 1st of January 2001. The Worked All Ireland Decade Award will be given for working 100 two-digit numbers associated with the WAI area (e.g., 00 to 99). The numbers can be claimed irrespective of the large square letters. The other award that will take effect at the turn of the New Year is the Worked All Ireland Counties Award and will be given for working all 32 counties in Ireland. Ownership of a WAI book is not required in either case. More information is available in the December issue of Echo Ireland.
Space News
After recent reports of failure of some of the systems on board Amsat Oscar-40 (or Phase 3D) the latest news from Amsat suggests that the satellite is in its predicted orbit after the first motor burn, however it is not working properly. Pre-programmed software reset last weekend did not appear to work. It will be as much as a week before controllers know if a second set of pre-programmed recovery manoeuvres will succeed. For more information visit
From the President
The president of the IRTS, Dave Moore EI4BZ would like to take this opportunity to wish all members a happy and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. “We are at the tail end of another year during which the Society maintained it’s high level of services to you the members and on your behalf I would like to say thanks to all those who labour away in the background keeping the show on the road”. A special thanks to all who submit material to for both the Newsletter and the Radio News.
Items for inclusion in Echo Ireland should be forwarded to Dave Moore EI4BZ at 021-4883555 in the evenings or at 021-4823172 during office hours. Items can be submitted to Dave by e-mail at and you can fax him at 021-4823316.
Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be forwarded to Mark Wall EI7IS at QTHR or via e-mail to Items can also be sent to Mark over the phone at 087-6302026. News can also be submitted via e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.