Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday August 13th 2000
International Lighthouse Weekend
The International Lighthouse and Lightship event being held next weekend August 19th and 20th will probably be one of the biggest special events of the year.
At the time of writing, the web page for the event listed 237 stations in 45 countries that have indicated their intention of taking part.
Irish stations involved will be EJ/GI3VFW on Tory Island, EI2BLH operated by members of North Dublin Radio Club from the Bailey Lighthouse in Howth, EI3WHL from Wicklow Head by EI3GF, EI5ML will be operated from Mizen Head by EI5IY, Youghal will be activated by EI8HT and members of the Wicklow Wireless Society will operate EI9KLH from The Old Head of Kinsale.
Stations will also be active in Northern Ireland with GB0LSP on the Lightship Petrel; GI4GTY/P on Mew Island, GN0LIX/P from Ferris Point Larne and MI0UDX will be on from Donaghadee.
Full information on the event as well as the latest list of participants is available on the web page at Committee Meeting
The next IRTS committee meeting will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel in Athlone on Saturday next August the 19th at 11.00a.m.
Club representatives are welcome to attend this meeting.
News from Mayo On Sunday last John Corless EI7IQ activated Scattery Island County Clare for the Worked All Ireland islands activity. Conditions were poor for short skip on 40 metres and a small number of EI’s were worked.
Most of the activity was with the growing number of UK stations on the net.
Two weeks previously EI7IQ along with Dermot Adams EI7IX activated both squares on Clare Island in County Mayo.
Practical Wireless editor Rob Mannion, G3XFD who also holds the callsign EI5IW, visited Mayo last weekend.
Rob gave a talk to members of Mayo Radio Experimenters Network on Sunday night, discussing various aspects in the hobby.
This was Rob's second visit to the club, having previously visited in April 1998.
Amongst the topics discussed were the reduction in CW test speeds world wide and other changes to the hobby.
The Annual General Meeting of the Mayo REN will take place on Wednesday 4th October at 9pm in The Wishing Well, Ballyvary.
The September meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th.
SSB Field Day
The final field day of the year, the SSB one, will be held over the first weekend in September.
We look forward to a fine weekend and another big entry and hope that all the usual entrants plus a few new ones will take part.
Please note that you are obliged to notify the Contest Manager, John EI6IR, of your operation site before the event.
Outgoing QSL Cards
We again remind listeners that Bill Mitchell EI5GQ no longer looks after the outgoing QSL cards. Unfortunately, he is still receiving cards from members.
The new Manager for the outgoing bureau is Hugh O'Donnell EI2HI, whose address is Baurleigh, Bandon, Co. Cork.
Hugh's name or address is not in the 1999 Yearbook, so you might consider writing it down and keeping it in a prominent place in your shack.
Cards addressed to P.O.Box 462, Dublin 9 will of course reach Hugh in the normal way.
Please spread the word and allow us provide the normal high standard of service from the outgoing QSL Bureau.
The International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring Service The August Newsletter from the Region One IARUMS co-ordinator Ron Roden G4GKO has been published recently and once again details the great work carried out on our behalf in keeping intruders off the amateur bands.
Unfortunately Echo India is not be well known for its contributions internationally in this area.
The IRTS monitoring co-ordinator is Danny EI6GS and all reports of intruders heard on amateur bands should be sent directly to him.
One of the latest problems highlighted in the Newsletter is the transmissions on the 10 metre band by fishing buoys in Region 2. A typical transmission gives a four character callsign every four minutes or so. Any of these signals heard should be immediately reported.
As an example, the German National Society, DARC, through it’s co-ordinator Uli DJ9KR received 603 reports of intruders in exclusive amateur radio frequencies.
Please do your bit and keep EI6GS informed of anything you hear.
Dates for your diary
The International Lighthouse/Lightship event will be held next weekend on August the 19th and 20th. The IRTS 2 Metres Counties Contest will be held on the following Sunday, August the 27th.
The HF SSB Field Day will take place over the weekend of September the 2nd and 3rd and on that weekend also, Celticon 2000, a QRP Convention will be held at the Marino Institute in Dublin.
The Cork Rally will be held on September 17th and the Shannon River Run will take place on the following weekend September the 22nd and 23rd.
Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News and the next issue of Echo Ireland should be forwarded to Dave EI4BZ at 021-883555 in the evenings or by e-mail at