Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday June 4th 2000
Following the recent IRTS AGM, the following volunteers are now running the IRTS QSL Bureau operation.
Incoming QSL cards are collected and sorted numerically by Mike McNamara EI2CL.
Pat Fitzpatrick EI2HX is then responsible for distributing these cards to the various sub-managers.
Dermot Adams EI7IX is the sub-manager for the SWL’s, zeros, ones and sevens.
Sean McMorrow EI6IN looks after the twos, Brendan De hÓra EI3GV is responsible for the threes, Jim Ryan EI3DP does the fours and the fives are looked after by Brian Tansey EI5HV.
Rory Hinchey EI4DJB does the sixes, Ger Kenneally EI8HT looks after the eights and Declan Lennon EI9HQ does the nines.
The outgoing QSL cards are sorted, packed and mailed by Bill Mitchell EI5GQ.
Practical Wireless QRP Contest
The Practical Wireless 144 MHz QRP Contest will be held this year on June the 18th and runs from 0900 to 1600utc.
The maximum power allowed is three watts and the scoring is one point per contact with locator squares as multipliers.
The leading station in EI or GI receives the PW EI/GI Trophy Clock donated by Rob Mannion G3XFD, editor of Practical Wireless.
The 1999 clock was won by Peter Lowrie GI7JYK/P.
Normally, leading stations in each locator square, and in other selected categories, receive a certificate. As a millennium special, this year a certificate is available to every entrant, showing their position in the results. To claim your certificate, you must send with your entry the coupon in the June 2000 issue of Practical Wireless.
The full rules are published in the current edition of Practical Wireless.
Limerick Radio Club
Limerick Radio Club operated last weekend from Poer Head using their millennium callsign of EI2MIL. The operators were Brendan EI0CZ, Mike EI2IX, John EI5FOB and John EI6IW.
Conditions were not the best but a large number of contacts were made. The Limerick Radio Club would like to thank the East Cork Radio Club for allowing them to use their exceptional facilities.
All those who travelled to Poer Head had a very enjoyable weekend.
Mike EI2IX has informed us that his students have all now sat their theory exam and are awaiting their results. A number of them have already sat and passed their Morse examination. They had to travel to Valentia Island to take the Morse test.
A big thanks must be given to Mike EI2IX and Brendan EI0CZ for running the classes. Hopefully there will be another class run towards the end of next year.
Mayo Radio Experimenters Network
The monthly meeting of the Mayo Group will be held on Wednesday next June the 7th at the usual venue, The Wishing Well in Ballyvary. A big turnout is expected to plan the invasion of Clew Bay for the Worked All Ireland Islands Activity Days on June the 17th and 18th.
Other items on the agenda include a demonstration of PSK31 and a new portable aerial system.
A video of the trip to Dayton may also be shown.
Con VK6PM visiting Dublin
Con Murphy VK6PM/EI7ID will be in EI from the 3rd of June until the 8th of July and he would like to meet some of the Radio Amateurs in the Dublin area. He was looking forward to being in time for this weekend’s CW Field Day Contest and hoping to visit at least one Field Day Station.
As EI9S he operated this Field Day every year in the past and was looking forward to seeing one run in year 2000.
Con is an Honorary Life Member of the IRTS and he hopes to get to some meetings during his time in EI.
He will be staying in Shankill, County Dublin with relatives.
East Cork Group
The East Cork Group EI7M has joined the growing list of clubs with their own Web Page. It can be found at The Site has been designed and will be maintained by Cormac EI4HQ.
Dates for your Diary
The next meeting of the IRTS committee will be held on Saturday next June the 10th in Athlone at 1100. The venue will be announced later.
The Worked All Ireland Islands Weekend will be held on June the 17th and 18th.
The VHF/UHF Field Day will be held over the first weekend in July, that’s the 1st and 2nd.
The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend will be held on August 19th and 20th. If you want to get involved, please inform Mike GM4SUC at The Marino Institute of Education in Dublin will host Celticon 2000 – a QRP Radio Convention on September 1st to 3rd next.
The Shannon River Run will be held in Mid September. Details from Paul EI2CA on 087-2523908 or Keith EI4FBB
Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be phoned to Dave Moore at 021-883555 in the evenings or to 021-823172 during office hours. You may also e-mail to or to Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or by e-mail to
Input to either the Radio News or Newsletter can be sent by e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.