Archived News Script
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday April 30th 2000
IRTS Committee Meeting
The inaugural meeting of the new IRTS committee will be held on Saturday next, May the 6th starting at 1100 in the Prince of Wales Hotel in Athlone.
This is probably the most important meeting of the year as all the jobs will have to be filled. All committee members are expected to attend and club representatives will be very welcome.
If you want to get involved in the Society’s work please contact the President Dave EI4BZ.
2 Metres Counties Contest and Mayo Activity Day The Easter Monday Counties Contest was once again a great success with a record number of stations on the air on the day. Our thanks to all who participated and we ask that you take a few minutes to submit your log. It will be very helpful in checking the logs.
Please submit your log to the Contest Manager John McDonnell EI6IR by post to QTHR or preferably by e-mail to
All logs received by e-mail will be acknowledged. Please ensure that you include a contact phone number with each entry.
Mailed entries requiring acknowledgement should include a stamped, self-addressed postcard.
The Mayo activity day was also very successful with seven stations on the air from the county. John EI7IQ operated portable on HF and during the day he activated the G00 Mayo square for the WAI Millennium Award.
Terenure Rally
The Terenure rally will be held on Sunday the 21st of May at Terenure College in Dublin with doors opening to the public at 11 a.m.
IRTS AGM in Monaghan – Trophy Winners
A big part of each IRTS AGM is the presentation of trophies and this year for the first time in several years, all the trophies were available for presentation at the meeting. Our thanks to Peter Grant EI4HX, Chairman of the awards committee who worked very hard to make this happen.
The Collins Cup was presented to the Mayo Radio Experimenters Network for their great contribution to the hobby in EI. They are without doubt, the most active group in the country.
The Arup Cup was awarded to Danny EI6GS for his work on the radio news in Irish and his work on intruder watch for the Society.
Dermot EI2AK was presented with the Collins Cup for his many years of service to amateur radio.
The Sheila Piper Cup was awarded to Ted Crowley EI3CY for his excellent technical contributions to Echo Ireland.
The Folan Shield for advanced home construction was won by Michael Murphy EI5GG for his work with microwave equipment.
The President’s Cup was awarded to Joe Ryan EI7GY in appreciation of his outstanding work in maintaining the membership records.
WestNet Millennium Award
The WestNet DX Group ran a DX marathon for the twelve months of 1999 and Declan EI6FR presented the prizes at the IRTS AGM.
The open section winner was Bernard Gondard EI4II and his prize was a 20 Metre Ten Tec transceiver kit.
The winner of the Rookie section was Kevin O’Herlihy EI7IM. His prize was a PK 12 data controller.
Limerick Radio Club
The Limerick Radio Club would like to thank Brendan EI0CZ, Mike EI2IX and John EI6IW for going portable to operate EI4LRC for the Two Metres County Contest.
Please listen out for EI2MIL, the Limerick Club’s Millennium station which is operational over this weekend from a site in Shannon.
They have been on the air since yesterday, Saturday the 29th and will be active until Monday May 1st, using a 153ft top doublet and a Yaesu FT101ZD.
The worked all Ireland Square is R46 Clare.
The QSL manager is Alan EI8EM.
IARU 75th Birthday
April the 18th was the 75th anniversary of the formation of the International Amateur Radio Union. Over the Easter holidays in 1925, representatives from 25 nations met in Paris and agreed to set up the IARU. The ARRL, the United States National Society, agreed to supply the headquarters on the new organisation and does so to this day.
Today, thanks to the foresight of those involved 75 years ago, we have 148 national member societies affiliated to IARU and the IARU is recognised as the spokesman for amateurs at the International Telecommunications Union and is represented at all major telecommunications conferences.
Dates for your Diary
The Windmills special event will be held on May the 12th and 13th.
The Terenure Rally will be held on Sunday May 26th.
The Worked All Ireland Island Activity weekend will be held over the third weekend in June, that’s the 17th and 18th.
The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend will be held on August 19th and 20th. If you want to get involved, please inform Mike GM4SUC at The Marino Institute of Education in Dublin will host Celticon 2000 – a QRP Radio Convention on September 1st to 3rd next.
The Cork Rally will be held in the Blarney Park Hotel on Sunday September the 17th.
Items for inclusion in the Radio News should be phoned to Dave Moore at 021-883555 in the evenings or to 021-823172 during office hours. You may also e-mail to or to Input for the Newsletter should be sent to Kevin EI7IM at QTHR or by e-mail to
Input to either the Radio News or Newsletter can be sent by e-mail to for automatic forwarding to both news services.