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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 24th February 2013

Renewal of Amateur Station Licences

In June 2009 the Wireless Telegraphy (Amateur Station Licence) Regulations 2009 came into force which changed individual Amateur Station Licences from annual licences to lifetime licences.

Whilst the licences are lifetime licences, under the regulations licensees are required to confirm the details of their licence to ComReg every five years. ComReg will begin advising licensees how to comply with this requirement in 2014. We have been told by ComReg that they have yet to determine how this process will take place but will endeavour to make it as smooth as possible.

IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally

This year the 81st IRTS AGM is hosted by Shannon Basin Radio Club. The event takes place in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel in Athlone, Saturday April 27th and Sunday April 28th 2013. Tickets for the Dinner on Saturday night (8.00 for 8.30pm) will be available at 30 Euro each from Brian EI8IU QTHR and through IRTS Committee Members. Dress code, as usual, is smart/casual. Menu details is available from the IRTS website. Please visit for more details.

Cork Radio Club

The Annual General Meeting of Cork Radio Club will be held in the Vienna Woods Hotel in Cork on Monday February 25th at 20.00. All members are asked to attend and intending members are also very welcome. Enquiries to Jeremy EI5GM on 083-3317710.

Return of IRTS Awards & Trophies

It is now time to return all trophies presented at last years IRTS, AGM. Trophies and Cups can be returned to the IRTS Stand at the Phoenix Radio Club Rally in Coolmine on Sunday 10 th February or to any IRTS Committee Member before February 28th 2013.

IRTS Awards Nominations

It is time once again for nominations for the several awards for IRTS Trophies and cups that are required from within the membership, this includes the awards for:

Service to the Society or to Amateur Radio: Awards in this category can to members or to non-members.

Awards for other achievements:

Awards in this category include the 4 and 6 M Shields; the SWL Award; and the awards for Quality Construction Projects. These awards are confined to members only.

Nominations may be from Clubs or individuals, must be by post or e-mail, and can be forwarded to the Awards Committee Members, Pat EI2HX, Jim EI4HH or, Peter EI4HX, Chair of awards committee, QTHR or by e-mail to ei4hxperimental/at eircom/dot/net.

Closing date for nominations is February 28th 2013.

VHF / UHF Squares Table

The VHF / UHF Squares Table for 2012 at shows that totals from 15 EI stations have been received to date, an increase on recent years. The VHF manager is awaiting a few more totals before finalising the table. As it stands, Tom EI4DQ tops the list with 399 squares worked in 2012, with Ger EI4GXB in second place with 320 squares. As in previous years, most of the VHF activity reported in the Squares Table has been on 50 MHz.

South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

The AGM of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will take place tomorrow night Monday the 25th February at 8.00 p.m. sharp in the Roanmore Social and Sports Centre, Cleaboy Road, Waterford on. All members are please asked to attend and new members or anyone that might be interested in joining the group are also very welcome to come along. For up-to-date news about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and it’s actives you can check our website and you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR

The AGM of DAR will take place Wednesday 6th March at the Society premises, ‘Larkin House’, 113, Castletown Road, Dundalk, commencing at 8pm sharp. Everyone welcome and a reminder to members that membership subscriptions are now due. For more details please visit

West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club

The West Tyrone ARC will be taking part in the St. Patrick day celebrations on Monday 18th March 2013 in Omagh, Co Tyrone. The club will be running a special event station using the call sign GB1SPD. They will be operational from the Strule Arts Centre in the Heart of Omagh Town during Omagh District Council St Patrick Day Parade and Festival. The club will be operating on HF, VHF/UHF, Echo Link and Digital Modes between 11am & 5pm. We look forward to the prospect of working as many stations as possible. Special Event QSL cards will be available to those who wish to have a conformation of the QSO. Details available on www.qrz,com and

DX News

Ken K4ZW will be active as Z81Z from South Sudan from 25 February until 6 March. This follows on from his original activation of the Z81Z call early in January. Prior to this week’s stay in South Sudan Ken spent a few days operating the Ethiopian club station ET3AA in Addis Ababa.

An international team will operate from the DXCC entity of Clipperton Island from 28 February until 10 March. The callsign will be TX5K and they will be active on all bands. More details can be found on <>

Peter EI7CC makes another trip to Lesotho next month. Look for him to be active as 7P8PB from the shack of Gerry 7P8CC from 6 – 26 March. As usual calls from EI and GI will be appreciated.

A group of three Japanese operators will be QRV from the island of Rodrigues from 2 – 10 March. Their callsign will be 3B9DX and they will be active on all bands 10 – 80m SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. QSLs go via EA5GL.

Items for inclusion in next week’s Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to “newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie” for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news maybe telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511.

Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin.
